The Keys That Unlock My Car | Teen Ink

The Keys That Unlock My Car

November 6, 2023
By kadenei14 BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
kadenei14 BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Today I will do what others wont so tomorrow I can accomplish what others cant" - Jerry Rice

My grandpa hands me a little black piece with little red buttons on it and a silver extension attached to it. I looked at it and all I was thinking was this is the key that unlocks a whole new world to me.

I pull into the driveway of my grandparents house. I could hear the sounds of birds in their big maple tree in front of their house. I see the red brick on their house. As I approach the house it smells as if my grandma has just got done making cookies. I walk straight toward the kitchen, and when I enter I see my favorite cookies on the table. After eating a few cookies my grandpa and I walked into the garage, and he showed me my new car. It was a white explorer. 

Click, click, is the sound I hear from my car as I press the button on my keys to unlock my car. There is a slight squeaky sound as if you are opening a door in an old house. I get into the car. When I close the door you hear the door locking into place. I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone and wallet. Then I pull out my keys and put them into the ignition. 

I can hear the sound of my engine starting as I turn the key forward. I can smell the exhaust as the car runs. I hear the clicking sound as I move the gear shift into drive. I feel the car jerk forward as I lift off the break and the car begins to move. As I pick up speed I feel the cold air from outside coming into the car through the windows. I hear the tires on the pavement as I turn to head out of my grandparents driveway. 

My papa's blue jeans white shirt, just like most other old farmers. He has white hair with a long white beard. that one stain on his white shirt from working in the barn. I will never forget the moment as I pulled out of the driveway and looked into my rearview mirror and saw him waving goodbye. I waved back and pulled out of the driveway and headed home with my new car. 

Driving home for the first time was amazing. I loved how I could feel the wind brush against my face with the slightly opened window, How I could smell the outside it smelt of winter.  How I could feel the bass of the song when I turned the radio up. The sun going through the windshield caused me to pull down my sun visor. The freedom I felt because nobody was next to me judging my driving; it was just me and my car. 

Getting a car for the first time was amazing. Knowing that the people around you trust you enough to give you so much freedom and independence. The little black piece with little red buttons on it and a silver extension attached to it is what I carry with me wherever I go. The thing I carry wherever I go is my car keys.

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on Nov. 29 2023 at 9:55 am
Shorthairdontcare SILVER, Houston Area, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 76 comments
This is good.