A letter to 11-year-old me | Teen Ink

A letter to 11-year-old me

May 14, 2024
By Anonymous

Dear 11-year-old Kalia,  

I know you and I know you are scared. I know you are nervous about moving across the country and leaving all you know behind. I know you feel alone because you’ve been in quarantine and haven’t been able to talk to your friends. I know COVID-19 worried you and I know you are anxious about what your life will become. 

I want to reassure you that this move is very important, and you will be very glad you moved.  
You have a few friends in your life right now, but they aren’t the best friends. Your little sister is anxious. Your dad is stressed in the job he has now. I need to show you that the move is a decision I don’t regret. 

You will move here, and you will feel alone. But then you will meet an amazing girl obsessed with Broadway musicals and you will become the best of friends with her. Then you will meet someone so like you it’s incredible. You’ll become friends with the smartest and kindest person you know. You’ll go to dances and church activities with your friends, and you’ll have Broadway-inspired hangouts. You’ll join a new gymnastics team with incredible coaches. You’ll make good friends at school and even better friends at church. 

You’ll have challenges, yes. You’ll still struggle with migraines, but you’ll find out what probably causes them and be able to deal with them better. You’ll have struggles with anxiety and stress, but you’ll also have the best friends that help you through it. You’ll have friends who are not true friends, but you’ll have your sister (who you’ll grow close to) and your friends who are true. The move will be hard and you’ll feel alone for a bit, but it will get better. I can promise you that. You will become more attentive at church and you’ll feel closer to God. You’ll learn more about yourself and yes, it will take time, but it will happen.  

Just give it time and have patience and it will be worth it.  

As the prophecy foretold, 
15-year-old Kalia  

The author's comments:

When I was eleven I moved across the country during the COVID pandemic and I was very scared of what life would bring. I would have loved to have been given a letter like the one I wrote. 

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