SIsters | Teen Ink


May 15, 2024
By Anonymous

When you think of a sister you think that it's just someone that you live with for the first part of your life and then only have to deal with at family events later in life. When I think of a sister I think about my second mom, my built-in best friend, or just my friend. My sister has been there for me since the day I was born. Sure we've fought and had our childhood disputes, but as we got older we realized that we couldn't get rid of the other so we accepted it and got closer. It was the best decision we have made in life. We still had the occasional “Is that my shirt?” or “did you eat my food?”  but we both love each other very much. 

We had spent more time together as we slowly realized that she was going to move out, go to college and start her own life. When we realized that, we got closer and our relationship got stronger. My sister eventually did move out and go to college at Mizzou in Columbia, Missouri which caused us to drift apart a little. After a couple of years my sister moved back to Wentzville, and when she did we got way closer and basically inseparable. I was over at her apartment almost every week and hung so much to make up for the time that we lost when she was in Columbia. 

My sister has been such a big influence in my life and has helped me through so much. My sister has been there for me when I was going through rough times and she was even there when times were going good. She has helped me through so much and gave me the guidance I needed at the time. She has shown me that I don't need to try to do everything on my own and that it's okay to ask for help if I'm struggling a bit. She has also shown me that it's important to communicate how I'm feeling with people instead of just ignoring my feelings. 

Sisters are really important even if you think they are just annoying or you don't like your sister they still have a huge impact on your life whether you like it or not. I have been through a lot but my sister has been through more and I learn so much from her everytime I see her. I started realizing that it's important to listen to the things my sister tells me because she has experience and is only trying to help me. 

I remember that when I was dating my ex my sister didn't like him and she had told me that she didn't like him and felt like something was off. I just ignored her and rolled my eyes. A couple months later, I went to tell her she was right and that he wasn't a good guy. I cried to her and she was still there for me even though I ignored her advice and ended up getting hurt when I could have avoided that whole situation if I had listened to her.  I know now that when she says something that she is only looking out for me and trying to help. 

Overall, sisters are very important to keep a good relationship with because they only want the best for you. Even if they seem annoying or if you get frustrated with them, they are usually right, no matter how much you roll your eyes at them. Sisters are very important so you should listen to your sister when she tries to give you advice or help you with something. 

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