Memorable | Teen Ink


May 30, 2024
By masterking48 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
masterking48 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first day of high school was a memorable one.

I remember waking up that day. My parents had me dress up nicely, and take about 5 minutes of pictures outside. I remember the weather being a nice calm day, and I could feel the day having this sort of energy or spark to it. Eventually we got to school, and it felt like my life was just beginning. My parents always told me that high school would be the best four years of my life. Was it for me? No, but what I did learn is that my life experiences in high school can allow me to have the best four years of my life. The first day of high school was a memorable one.

The day I switched schools was a memorable one.

I remember talking to my parents about wanting to switch schools. For my freshman year of high school, I attended Oconomowoc High School. I felt isolated during that year, and when I finally got to tell my parents I wanted to switch schools they were on board with it. I now graduate at Arrowhead High School in two days. When I got the new start at Arrowhead, that day was a memorable one.

When I got my drivers license, the day was a memorable one.

I remember taking my test the first time. My parents are the people that made me take the test and get my license legitimately. Although I could have argued with them about it, I just sucked it up and took the test to placate them. I failed my first test by hitting a curb backing up, but two weeks later I had the opportunity to get out of school early and take the test. That day I passed, and the amount of freedom I knew I was going to have from that day is what made that day a memorable one.

All of the Halloween parties were memorable ones.

I remember the first time one of my friends invited me to his house for a small halloween party. Since I was fairly isolated during my freshman year just being around a group of more than 10 people outside of school was new to me. I got along great with everyone, and one person I met there is someone who I am still good friends with to this day. He would host a similar gathering every year, and those social events were definitely memorable ones.

I got to introduce a song for our concert, the concert was a memorable one.

I remember being eager to introduce a song for our band concert. The thought of taking the idea from the song and assimilating it into my own words excited me. A lot of people find public speaking out of their comfort zone, not for them, or just abhor the task. But for me, I find it fun for lack of better words. Speaking in front of the audience of what we were about to perform multiple times was quite a nice privilege. I was grateful for those times and although I only got to introduce two songs throughout my concert career at Arrowhead, those concerts were memorable ones.

Playing in front of people, that unique experience was a memorable one.

I remember when I was having my small 10 minute DJ set. The small class I was originally going to perform for turned out to be a theater with my guess about 50 people. I practiced a week, just for that moment, just for those 10 minutes. Even though it was a still small show, hearing people chant for songs that I produced was quite the experience. On the stage you just don’t even think about what you are doing, I was turning knobs, but just taking the experience in. I had immense gratitude and even looking back at those videos now just makes me smile. That day was nothing short of a memorable one.

Maybe the high school experience was a memorable one.

I remember the first day of school, and as I graduate soon I can firmly say that I am ready to move on. Yet everything I listed just now all took place in high school. Sometimes I don’t think I fully enjoyed it as best as I could and sometimes let the little things get to me. I had a lot of good memories in these four years, and if these years were the years I adjudicated the worst, then I think high school will go down as an experience that is a memorable one.

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"Maybe the high school experience was a memorable one"

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