My Broken Fairytale | Teen Ink

My Broken Fairytale

May 31, 2024
By Autumn_1432 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Autumn_1432 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone knows the stories of the damsel in distress in her tower begging for help, though she doesn’t need it. Trapped, alone in her tower waiting for him, the one man who could save her life. Then the big, strong, handsome man shows up to save her and cure her of the worries in life. They get married, as every fairy tale goes. I once was a girl who wished a man would save me from my troubles, and we would be together forever. I waited and waited for my prince to come to my rescue and finally, he came.
He started to break down the walls to reach me, waiting inside. He was my hero, my savior, my man. He talked to me as often as he could. Every Wednesday and Sunday after church, we talked. He was my dream, my everything. I couldn't bear to live without him by my side. Finally, after what felt like ages, I got a phone. This was my chance, this was the time I could finally get to know him. I was ecstatic, though I was warned by my friends and family but I didn’t listen or heed them. I jumped for joy and gave him my number. We couldn’t be happier together, just as friends, but yet so much more. The texting went on and on for days. Every day we talked, no breaks, no time. We couldn’t be apart, we were meant for each other. I couldn’t believe it, he was mine, but was he?
We decided to go to our church retreat. I brought one of my best friends with me, and I was lucky that my two friends were about to meet. It was proven that it would all turn south very quickly. His heart filled up with hate for her because we were so close. He wanted nothing of her, he only wanted me. He told me to ensure I would talk to him more than her and I said “no.” His lies started to wrap around me slowly. Slowly tightening the strings around me so I couldn’t breathe. His rage built and built. I hugged her goodbye but not him. I couldn’t bring myself to hug him, I don’t know why. Careless, I was to think that he would like her. I was losing track of who I was in love with. 
My friends, my mom, the warnings, I ignored them all. I wanted to believe he was the one. I kept trying to please him in any way to keep him happy. In any case, I wanted to see him happy once again. I couldn’t keep letting on this facade. The strings were too tight, why can’t I breathe? Who is he? I still like him, but do I really? I need to tell him, right here and now. Friends, we would stay that way, just as friends. He had other plans for me, far worse than I thought. This new girl, a girl I had never heard him mention before, came in like a tornado, busting through every wall. The whole friendship was fake, the love, the care, and the kindness were gone. Who was I looking at, where did he go? Instead, I was facing a heartless monster. I was done, I broke it all off. No more would I take all the heat for his mistakes. No more were the lies he told me. Gone was him, and I alone was free.
I was alone again, but not sad, no, not in the slightest. I had the biggest weight lifted off my shoulders. I blocked him, no more was I to be tortured by him. I would not be gasping for breath every time I spoke. He was gone. The strings let loose and I ran. I sprinted as fast as I could, till I saw nothing of him. The hurt and pain were gone, I was unbound. Everyone I thought I lost came back and my prince was gone. I didn’t need my prince to save me anymore. I was my person and I could help myself to whatever I needed and wanted. I have my friends, my mom, and the love to thank that I am here today without a boyfriend, and I am thriving.

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