Virus Takover! | Teen Ink

Virus Takover!

June 1, 2024
By KD323 BRONZE, Springfield, Missouri
KD323 BRONZE, Springfield, Missouri
1 article 2 photos 0 comments

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Art is both a hobby and a dream. A form of creation that makes fiction a reality.

Dear the me of the past, 

All seems calm in August of 2019 when your middle-school year starts. You continue your daily life going to school. However, you will soon experience a once in a lifetime event. The whole world shall shut down. People will be trapped within their houses. Healthcare will be overwhelmed. A global pandemic shall take over. A virus will spread through mankind, but fear not. As long as you comply with the rules of the time, you shall leave your days to the peace of your abode. 

In the beginning of 2020, you will hear of the virus’s quick spread overseas, a virus known as COVID-19. All seems distant until it is found in your neighboring state. People around you will believe it’s not a big deal and your classmates will tell you it’s all a farce. However, your family and a couple of your friends will feel concerned. When you enter spring break, you will decide to stay out of school for an extra week to avoid the crowd. Surprisingly, the school will officially extend it for another two weeks anyways. Soon after, society will face an endless lockdown and school will go online. People will say “The quarantine will end in August!” It won’t. Then, they’ll say “Surely it’ll end next summer!” It won’t. Weeks become months and months become years. Everyday, you’ll wake up, watch TV, do online school, and sleep. Grocery trips will be at a minimum. You’ll come home, shower, and use a UV light to sanitize your belongings. School will be set through zoom, a video call platform. Though most students will lack any will to care, you should maintain your education. News stations will report overflowing hospitals and a faltering economy. The virus’s symptoms are long and dreadful. Healthcare facilities will lack resources. Covid’s airborne property will lead to the usage of full body suits and protective gear. Finally, news of a vaccine will reach your ears, one that will eventually cause the virus to subside. Masking becomes a norm. As does the usage of QR codes in stores and restaurants. Fall of 2021, you will head back to school. Half of the students remain online while the other half in-person. After every class, the teacher will wipe down all the desks and seats. Lunch will be worrisome as you hear distant coughs all around you while your mask is down. Though, you can avoid the virus if you follow safety regulations. Concern and uncertainty will continue until the pandemic ends in 2022. 

Fear not, for as of 2024, the virus is no longer a discussion of concern. Numerous people did not believe in the harm of the virus during the pandemic, and some still don’t, but its toll will remain in history. While it still harms those who have no protection, we now have the proper defense against it. So stay put, follow healthcare advice, and survive. 

Sincerely Yourself,

Keren Ding

The author's comments:

A letter to 6th grade me concerning the events of the pandemic. To advise myself on the mindset and route to take during the event. To ease the me of the past and to prevent unnecessary strife. If the universe allowed so.

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