Growing to Something Beautiful | Teen Ink

Growing to Something Beautiful

June 5, 2024
By Anonymous

I am a beautiful flower. Just like any other flower, I grew from a root to a beautiful red dahlia from the beginning of my Freshman Year to the end Junior Year. I’ve shown growth through my sports and academics throughout the past three years.

Cross Country. From the first day I started cross country, I hardly knew anyone. I was a novice because I didn’t know anyone's names and I felt like I just fit in with the “quiet” group. I was scared to even talk to my coach because I thought I would mess something up and say something I wasn’t supposed to say. Everyone had their own running groups and the four girls I knew stood in our small group. As time went on, I learned that it’s not scary talking to someone (like your coach). I never stopped growing in cross country because I never doubted myself that I couldn’t do something or that I couldn’t run as far as some of the fast girls. I never stopped learning that I am capable of running to the best of my potential.

Gymnastics. As fall ended and winter began I went from cross country right to gymnastics. I knew most girls on the team because I did Midwest Twisters Gymnastics with them. I grew a lot in gymnastics because I went from not talking as much the first day of Freshman Year to not being able to stop talking the last day of Junior year. I made so many friends in this sport I will never forget. I will never forget the times we laughed together, remembering all the times in my head. I never want this sport to end because of the people who helped me accomplish my goals and made this sport memorable. I never stopped growing in my abilities and skills I’ve learned. I never doubted myself and kept looking forward.

Track. I’ve grown a lot in track and field from freshman year to where I am now. Freshman year I always wanted to be varsity so I could compete at the big meets. I didn’t think I would ever win a state championship with my team for the first time at Arrowhead. Being part of history was just crazy to think about. I never stopped growing because my dad told me “never stop doing what you love, it will make a big impact on your life if you just stick with it.” So thankful I listened to my dad, I wouldn’t have been where I am today. Track really made an impact on my life because of all the friends I made, coaches telling me it was possible to win state, and most importantly, my dad, who believed I could do it from the start. Growing so much in this sport affected my happiness in loving this sport as a whole. I placated my coach because I showed him that I wouldn’t give up and I would keep pushing to do whatever it takes to win the state championship. Showing my coaches that I adjudicated my decision in sticking with this sport, I’ve never been happier.

Academics. In my past 3 years at Arrowhead, I came in each day with a positive attitude. Whether I had a hard test or quiz, I always came in ready for it. Studying a lot and working hard in all my classes expanded on my academics. I assimilated the growth to always do my best I possibly could. Just like plants, I never stop growing. Never stopped growing in my academics to show all my teachers that I am optimistic, confident, and have responsibility to my academic future. 

I am a beautiful flower that just keeps growing. I grew from a root from the beginning of Freshman Year to the end of my Junior Year. I showed so much growth in all my sports and it showed the last meet of each season. Whether I competed in sectionals for cross country, went to state for gymnastics, and won it all in track, I will never forget these memorable moments. I am a red dahlia because red shows my love I have for each of these sports. Doing all my sports to full potential, I cannot wait for one more season for each sport next year. I will never stop growing because I will keep living my best life and never forget how confident I am and how far I’ve come all these years.

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