OVER TIME | Teen Ink


May 25, 2011
By Anonymous

our past few games haven`t gone to well. we have lost by at least 20 points our past 5 games. but not this game. this game`s going to be different.

as the coach is talking to us in the locker room before the game, everybody was quiet. no one on the team said a single word. i can tell by the look in their eyes that they wanted to beat moses lake. we put our hands together and yelled out “grizz!”. we headed out the locker room and the music was playing loud. the moses lake team caught my eye. they were a big team and quick too. the first thought that came to my mind was, “we`re gonna have to work our butts off to beat this team”.

they seemed confident like they knew they were going to win. they also seemed relaxed, as if they didn`t have anything to worry about. one of their players seemed really good, his shot was flawless. he had good handles, i thought he was the best player from their team.

it was the first quarter and we were two minutes into the game. i haven`t gone in and i`m starting to get mad because the coach hasn`t put me in. finally he calls me over, i was nervous. i got up and walked over to him, he told me to shoot a 3 pointer.

as soon as the referee told me i could step on the court, my heart started beating fast. i thought to myself, “i can do it, i`ma make this shot, i know i can”. manny called the play and i ran it. as soon as i got open, i saw the ball coming towards me, i catch it, pull up and shoot it. i see the ball traveling in the air. i saw the ball go into the hoop and all the sunnyside fans stand up and start cheering. it felt good hearing all those people cheering for me.

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