Destination Branson | Teen Ink

Destination Branson

October 18, 2011
By Anonymous

The day when we drove down to Branson Missouri, from our house it was probably the most hectic day I've ever seen. We were trying to fit the bags in the car but most of them wouldn't fit.
We had to put some stuff on the floor of the car. When we first left off I tried to dose off to sleep.
Shortly after of sleeping I awoke to the sound of brakes screeching on the pavement. So on the rest of the car ride down there I stared blankly at the Green Leaves and vast array of colored cars. About six hours later from the braking incident we arrive in Springfield Missouri at Lambert's Cafe. When we walked up to the door we seen it was closed.

Instead of eating we decided to keep on going to Stormy Point Village resort. When we arrived we saw the famous lighthouse. While my mom when to check us in we went inside this monstrosity of a lighthouse. It was the coolest thing I seen the entire trip. When we got back down we went into the lobby. We saw that there was a big bowl of chewy mints. Since they were free we decided to take about twenty or so. Then we went to look for a map of Branson in the gift shop. Next we checked out the resorts pool. It wasn't that big but not many people were there.

As we left the lobby I ran to the car to get shot-gun. We drove to our house. I went inside and looked for my room, but then I noticed that we only had two bedrooms even though we needed 3. Furious my step-dad went to the manager back at the lobby to ask about the mix-up. When he got back he said that we accidentally went to the wrong street but right number. So we went to the right street and into the house. When we got to the right house we unpacked all of our stuff and headed inside. I went straight for the bed rooms and picked out the queen sized bed with a 32" Samsung HDTV. The bed was probably the best part about the entire house because of the fact all of my beds have been twin sized including the bed I use now, which is very uncomfortable since I'm big.
Once we got all of our stuff put away we made sandwiches for dinner. Then we went to a local "Kovacs" type store and got some movies from red-box. Then we watched the first one which was The Crazies, I really liked it because it was about a moving virus through the air. Then we, well everyone else watched Wolf man because I fell asleep about 10 minutes into the thing. After it was over I was woken by my mom saying to go to sleep in my room. When I went there I really wasn't tired so I watched TV for about 2 hours. That night I slept was great because I could move around more in my sleep instead of being confined to such a small bed.
In the morning when we woke up we had a bowl of cereal, which was cool because they already had bowls and silverware already in stock. After we ate I went to the big TV and started watching the Men's World Cup in South Africa. After everyone took a shower we headed out to go to the House of Mirrors. When we got there and went in we all got lost. I probably ran into myself about 10 times. When I caught up with the others we made it to an exit, but it looked so simple so we went back and look for another exit. Then we realized that it was actually the exit. Feeling stupid it took us about twenty minutes to get back. After that we went next door where there is a 5-D shooting gallery. That means that stuff in the gallery actually shoots at you like if there is water, drips of water trickle down your spine. Well when we got done I looked at the leader boards and I took first place for most targets hit for all time since they opened up. After we walked out we were greeted by our parents and told we were going to get an old civil war photo as a family. I wanted to do an old mobster style photo with Tommy guns and cool hats.
When we got back to our house we made a Pizza and watched some shows and GSN. Probably the most boring thing was during July there is not any good sports on late night TV.
After 11 P.M. We went to sleep; still I loved sleeping on this queen sized cloud.
The next day we went to the Titanic Museum, when we got to the cold water part I went all awesome mode and stuck my entire arm in the barrel. At about the two minute mark I pulled out my freezing limp arm. When my sister and step-sisters did it they just put in their finger being wimps. They lasted about 7 minutes. I liked when I got to see which passenger I was, I seen that it said my passenger was the most important on the ship because I was a secret passenger on the most rich people floor. In the end my 65 year old person ended up dying because he was asleep when the ship sank. Then when we got back we got our stuff and went to the pool. When we got there, there was a movie playing on a big screen. So as we swam and sat in the hot-tub we watched UP. Since it was cold we decided to check out the pool inside, but we thought it was terrible because it had too much chlorine in it. When the movie ended they brought out a buffet for all of the guests that signed up for it at the front desk in the lobby. We went home stuffed and tired.
The next morning we went to an animal show with fancy cats doing tricks. When that was over we went to glow in the dark Miniature golf inside the same building. Then I bought my favorite thing in the world; my chicken mask. After we ate lunch somewhere we went to a pirate themed Mini-Golf course. Of course I won because I didn't cheat like my sisters did giving themselves mulligan's every mess-up. Then we went to a haunted house. The entire thing was really scary because to me I'm real easy to get all jumpy. At the end there was a person following us with a stroller and someone shot a blank with a scary face popping up in a window scaring my half to death. I was glad it was the end because I bolted out of that place like no tomorrow. We went home ate dinner and went to sleep.
After another usual morning of cereal and Soccer games on ESPN we headed out to Silver Dollar city. About the entire time I wanted to do nothing but ride Fire in the Hole. It was this slow ride like a train going through this old time 1800's day theme until the end when you go down this 20 foot drop and water falls onto you. My next favorite thing was grandpa's house. This is a sideways house where the floor is at an angle. Then I went to this beef jerky place and got some alligator jerky. It was really good because it tasted like chicken. After that I didn't really like it that much other than the hot and sweet salsa. We went home and did the usual thing.
The next day we stayed home until about 4 in the afternoon. My mom and I were playing Farkle which is this one dice game that you can play on face book. Then we went to the famous Branson Landing. It is like zonarosa but with about 10 times more stores. I bought 2 hats at a sports themed hat store. Both were St. Louis Cardinals hats but one of them has my last name engraved into it. At around 9'oclock we got a family photo and rode on a boat to watch fireworks. Then we had to wait about 3 hours to get out of the parking lot because of the fact everyday there is about a couple of thousand cars there. When we got home I had to try and part from my awesome bed because in the morning we had to leave.
In the morning we got everything packed up and ready to go. On the way back we finally when to Lambert's. I really like their rolls. I hope that they wash their hands.
We drove back home which took about 7 hours, but it was nice because I got to sit in the front because I'm the biggest person in the family other than my step-dad, but he was driving. After we got home I just wanted to do nothing. I decided to call my dad to tell him to pick us up because I haven't seen him in a week.
Not that long ago during the 2011 summer my mom told me and my sister that for our family vacation this year we are going to Mexico during Christmas in Cozumel on a cruise for a week.

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