the day my sister was born and my life after her birth | Teen Ink

the day my sister was born and my life after her birth

October 28, 2011
By Anonymous

It was November 2,1999 when my mom had to go to the hospital she was ready to have my sister I was 4 and my brother was 3 we didn’t know what was happening my dad put are coats on us and walked us to the car when we arrived to the hospital my dad took my mom in and we stayed in the waiting room my dad gave me and my brother a coke and the I didn’t know what time it was but we got to see our new sister she bit be and I cried and told her to put her back in her.

When we lived on walnut street in Madison my mom went to the store and we had to watch our sister I turned my back and I didn’t see her so I asked daddy if she was in there and he said no so we started freaking out we didn’t know what to do and then a woman came down the road carrying her and asked us who’s baby it was and we said it is our sister and she gave her to us.

When my sister was about 2 or 3 years old we took her to see the thunder over Louisville it was awesome. I lived in a trailer park in Hanover and I had a toy story movie and a woody doll and then she told me it was hers and she took it and it made me so mad every day when I got home from preschools I would walk in and she would have that movie on every day it got so annoying that one day we went to my pawpaw jims and I broke the tape with a spoon and said I didn’t mean to.

But one day when I was about six we were at my pawpaw jims house again and we were swimming but she couldn’t cause she was to little so my mom got out of the pool to check on her and she was all right but then my mom went to get a cigarette from my uncle and Hannah ran up the ladder and jumped in and she couldn’t swim I was still in the pool and I swam and got her out before she drowned and told mom that Hannah almost drowned but I got her out .

I was getting bored one day when we moved to our new house I was about 8 and we had the gator power wheel and I got it out of the garage and me and my sister took a ride in the yard and I guess the battery shorted out but I kept on going and then I went into the house and my dad was cooking lunch and he asked if I was burning something and I said no and then he went outside and looked at its battery and he said it shorted out so we gave it to my little brat cousin jimmy.

One time when I lived in brooksburg my brother and my sister were having a pillow fight and then I jumped into the fight and got a pillow and knocked my sister in o the window and it busted and I had to walk down to my neighbor’s house to get some plastic tarp to put over it my dad was mad.
Well that is pretty much all the memories I can think of on the top of my head but now I can’t believe that I could remember that much but I am glad I do remember all that because then I would not have anything to write about.


The author's comments:
i had my whole life turn around when my sister was born

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