Our Halloween Suprise | Teen Ink

Our Halloween Suprise

November 15, 2012
By kevvp BRONZE, Abinton, Pennsylvania
kevvp BRONZE, Abinton, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was Halloween night. It was so cold out I could barely get the candy; my fingers felt as if they were frozen. I had on a big yellow and black fuzzy bubble bee costume with cute long antennae’s. My sister had on a black and white skunk costume. All of a sudden we heard this adorable little bark: woof woof woof. We went up to the house and got our candy. Then my mom said, “We will take him, if you don’t want him,” but she was only joking. The lady laughed and we went on to the next house. At the end of the night we got tons and tons of candy.
The next day we went to lunch, and when we came back there was a note on our door. I thought, what could that note say? My mom surprised us by taking us to the movies, “can you read the note”, I asked? On the way she read us the note!

Hi, my name is Mary. We love our dog very much. I think it would be best though if we gave him to a family that can take better care of him. He is a morkie, a yorkie and maltase mix. His name is Oliver; I hope that you guys are interested so please give me a call. He is a great, adorable, loving dog!
Thank You

I got so excited and when I heard the name Oliver. I fell in love! I said, “That will fit in great; Peppie, Teacup, and Oliver”. I was filled with joy; I felt like I was on top of the world!

The next day we called her up to set up a good time to go and meet Oliver. So we made a time for later that day, as soon as I knew it we were at the house, with a little black dog barking at us. The woman said, “Come in,”! So we go in, and he’s so adorable; he is totally black with one white front paw and one white back paw. His chest is also white. He has the biggest brown eyes. When he stares at you they just melt your heart! His tail reminds me of a palm tree. I love it; it’s all curly. He’s so adorable!

So we meet the family, and they explained to us how the father had multiple scleroses. The mother said that she was too old to care for him. The daughter was 16 and didn’t show him attention; she was too interested in other things at that time of her life. So after we talked to them for about 10 minutes we decided that we wanted to get Oliver, and make him ours forever! We finally got to leave with our new dog. I shouted, “He is the cutest dog ever”! Oliver was so happy I could tell he already loved us!

He jumped right into our car, and from then on he’s the best and loving dog anybody would ever want! We love him so much! He has got so close to us; he is the king of the house! Oliver is so loving and he is so playful. He loves his toys, just like he loves us! He is the best dog, and the best thing that I have ever recived! We love him so much. I said “Oliver do you love mommy”? He wagged his tail and barked!

The author's comments:
I love my dog so much <3

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