Somewhere New | Teen Ink

Somewhere New

November 15, 2012
By Anonymous

Splash, Splat, Rumble, Rumble. Standing face to…, well waterfall, was an amazing sight to see. Watching all the water come rushing down like there was nothing on this earth could stop it. It surprised me to find out that Niagara Falls stopped once and the city had to save it. I closed my eyes and imaged what it might have sounded like if it stopped flowing again. My sister was right next to me watching the water rushing down. “Mary, when are we going to go through the rest of the underground tunnel?” Sarah, my sister, asked impatiently.
“Go ask mom when we’re going back down,” I told her.

After we went to Niagara Falls, we went to Sea World. Hopping out of the car, I was happy to feel the wind blow in my face and listen to it blow against my ears. I sniffed the air, expecting to smell fresh air, when I wrinkled my nose. Looking to my left, I gagged when I saw my mom smoking. Moving away from her swiftly, I followed my dad to the park entrance.

Soon we got our park tickets and wandered around the park when we saw a ride with a boat on it, I can’t remember the name of it, and my sister and I really wanted to go on it. We dragged our dad and brother on since we couldn’t go by our selves and when we finally got on, I just couldn’t stop grinning. It started up slowly, but then it got faster and everybody couldn’t stop screaming and laughing. Every time the ride went up and went back down, I thought that the ride was going to throw Sarah off the ride. Finally the ride stopped. “Boy, am I glad that I didn’t go on it with you,” my mom said shaking her head.

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This article has 2 comments.

Mrs. Wright said...
on Nov. 27 2012 at 2:29 pm
Congratulations on your Defining Moment piece being selected for Teen Ink! You did a great job and it was fun reading it.  Nice work!

horshamrox said...
on Nov. 27 2012 at 8:50 am
I love your description.  I felt like I was there with you!