When I First Met My Baby Sister | Teen Ink

When I First Met My Baby Sister

November 30, 2012
By EmilieChristene BRONZE, Valentine, Nebraska
EmilieChristene BRONZE, Valentine, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Each day comes once in a lifetime." I made that up

“We have to get to the hospital!” My auntie yelled who also has a baby on the way.

“Why?’ I asked worried.”

“Where's mom?” I asked well I just walked in the door from school looking around the house when my auntie was rushing around trying to get all the kids ready.

“She’s at the hospital, now help me get the kids ready!”

“When did she go to the hospital ?”

“Like 5 minutes ago!”

Now just let me take you to the beginning of this interesting start of my story. We were living in Chicago at the time, and my mom and dad told us that they needed to talk to us. We all went into the dining room and they announced that my mom was going to have another baby.
I was excited, while my mom already has five kids, now she has six!We lived in Chicago for almost a year! We had to come back because of my grandpa’s sundance. My mom set up a concession stand to raise money to go back to Chicago. Our plan was to go to Chicago for the winter and then come back to our home town in the summer.

So after sundance was done we went back to Chicago only for one day! We had to come back because my grandma Mary Ellen had just married a man by the name of Brian. But he died.

When we came back my mom and my grandma Mary had decided to trade houses. My grandma Mary would live in our house in Chicago and we would live in her house which I grew up in, in HeDog. They decided this because it was to sad for my grandma to stay in that house because her and her husband had lived there. Her and her daughter Summer Rose lived there. She is my Auntie.

Anyway, during my grandpa’s sundance my mom was REALLY big! It looked like she was going to have the baby anytime now! So I was always by her and always ready for the unexpected. So I told you about my auntie right?The one that was freaking out in the beginning of my story?Well let me tell you then, she is my dad cousin and he wanted her to come live with us, Sammy was in treatment in Lincoln and she was a short and fun auntie.She wasn't the kind that is mean. She is a nice one.She HAD beautiful brown hair, but she died it.We got her on a train and then she lived with us. She got a boyfriend in Chicago. His name is Omar. Next thing I know she is pregnant. Anyways,when we were living in HeDog and I walked in the door and she was rushing around to get the kids ready. When we got to the hospital they said that my mom can’t be seen because they are letting her out the next day.That made me really worry.All night I couldn't even sleep i was excited and worried at the same time.So the next morning we got ready at rushed to the hospital.When we got there a saw my mom and a blanket in her hands.I can tell that it was covering something.Befor i got there we got her some flowers and baloons and stuff like that.She set the blanket very soft and carefully in the babyseat.She got in put the seat on the car’s seat and said “come here guys theres someone I’d likeyou to meet.”

“What is it?” asked my little brother Bubby.We all started laughing.”It's your new baby sister!” I said with excitement.She lifted up the blanket and I saw her, I saw her beautiful big brown eyes, and her tiny little feet.But when I saw her it was like... I can’t really describe my fellings when my eyes first saw her.Sometimes when I play with her it’s like only I can can play with her and only I can have her,only I can love her.

The author's comments:
This is a little something

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This article has 2 comments.

on Dec. 12 2012 at 11:14 am
EmilieChristene BRONZE, Valentine, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Each day comes once in a lifetime." I made that up

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on Dec. 12 2012 at 11:14 am
EmilieChristene BRONZE, Valentine, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Each day comes once in a lifetime." I made that up

I would reaaly love some comments =)