The Animal whisperer | Teen Ink

The Animal whisperer

December 13, 2012
By Anonymous

The Animal Whisperer
I love animals. Always have, always will. I knew there was a way that you could “telepathically” communicate with them, but I could never figure out how. On one ordinary Saturday afternoon, I was cleaning my horses’ stalls when our friend Karen had pulled up. That day she had brought her sister to my house so he could introduce her to her new horse Rocket. Fawn, Karen’s sister had a special gift. She was an animal communicator, meaning she could telepathically communicate with animals. I was so excited to hear what she had to say.

That day, being the first time she had ever been to my house and met my animals, was amazing. Everything she had said was completely spot on. Other things, we didn’t even know about but we later found them to be true. I’d like to share some of the stories with you.
After Fawn had met Rocket, she went and met all the other horses. The day before, my mom had noticed that her horse Aventi, seemed to be a little sore on one of his legs but she couldn’t tell which one. She had decided to see if Fawn could ask him what was wrong and so he told her that his hind-left foot was in pain. The next day the vet had come to my house to give the horses their annual vaccinations and had check out Aventi’s foot. Sure enough, he had an abscess in his hoof. I couldn’t believe it. How would she have known that?
My dad had the radio set to a rock station and it seemed like the horses were stressed out. My horse Romeo told her how he loved rock music, but my sister’s horse Skipper said it was freaking him out. My mom’s horse Aventi said he preferred classical music. I thought that was pretty weird until the next day. Once again my dad was outside listening to rock music on the radio but this time he was also playing along with it on his guitar. Four of the horses were in the yard and the other three were in the pasture. Everybody but Romeo, were galloping around, bucking and rearing. But I noticed Romeo was just standing there with his ears pricked towards my dad. I thought that was one of the funniest things ever.
Last story I will share with you is when she was having a conversation with my pig, George. She said that he was telling her how he was jealous of all the horses because he thought they were getting more attention than he was. We could tell he was jealous before because every time we would get a new horse or a friends would bring theirs over, he would start freaking out. Another thing he wanted was to be dressed up because he would always see us getting the horses ready before we got on to ride and he wanted the same. So, even though we couldn’t put a saddle on him and ride him around like he wanted, we dressed him up for Halloween, and I honestly don’t think I have ever seen him as happy as he was when he was all dressed up in his Halloween costume. The last thing he said was that he wanted his own “bedroom”. He has one in the barn but the horses are always coming up and moving his stuff around and eating his bed when they get a chance (his bed is made of hay). He always got upset when they would kick him out so we decided to build him his own little house. He’s so much happier now.
Now of course there are like 100 other stories I could tell but I’d have to say these are a few of my favorite. I hope that one day I will be able to have the ability to do what Fawn does. It would definitely help my goal of becoming a veterinarian because it would make evaluating the animals way easier. Even though I bet some people would be skeptical but I guess it’s just one of those things you’d have to see to believe.

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