Letters to the Fallen | Teen Ink

Letters to the Fallen

December 18, 2012
By Shanti49 BRONZE, Clayton, Georgia
Shanti49 BRONZE, Clayton, Georgia
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Better to not know which moment may be your last. Every morsel of your entire being alive to the infinite mystery of it all." -Captain Jack Sparrow

Dear Victoria,

I know I didn’t know you and I know you’re gone now so there’s no way for you to say anything back to me, but writing is how I deal with things so I’m writing to you anyway.

I wish I could have known you. I first saw your picture on Facebook; one of my friends had shared it. My first impression of you was how beautiful you are with your wavy brown hair and shocking blue eyes. I wondered who you were. Curiosity overtook me and I read the story that went with your photo. I learned about how you hid your kids in cabinets and closets, and then lied to the gunman about where they were. It was then that I saw your inward beauty that matches your outward beauty.

You must’ve known what was about to happen to you. You could have done the selfish thing I’m sure most Americans would do, which would be nothing; just sit in class with the door locked and hope the gunman wouldn’t come. You could have left the room after hiding your children, hoping the kids would be okay yet still ensuring your own safety. You might have even been able to hide with the kids in a closet. But you didn’t. The only way I know of that would have guaranteed your children’s safety would be the path you chose.

Put into your position, I wouldn’t have done that. My love is not as strong as yours. I’m not nearly as selfless as you are. But I want to be just like you one day, even if I don’t know everything about you. To me you look like love, and that’s how I want other people to see me. You died protecting your little angels, but you also left the memories of your life to be my role model. I can only hope to be as selfless as you one day.

I think about you often, especially when I’m angry or frustrated. I remember the kindness and tenderness you showed, and I try to show the same kindness towards whoever I’m irritated with.

I hope to meet you in Heaven one day!


The author's comments:
Victoria Soto was one of the 28 people killed in the recent Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut. She was just 27 years old when she was murdered. She knew the gunman was in the building, so she hid her students in cabinets and closets. When the gunman came, she told him her kids were in the gym. He had no reason to look around and find them because her story seemed so plausible. Unfortunately that left him with only one target: Victoria herself. When I first saw her story on Facebook, I was astonished at her bravery and loyalty to her students. She loved them so much that she gave her life to protect them. That's the ultimate sacrifice of love. If I could somehow write a letter to her, write a letter to Heaven, this would be it.

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