My Grandmother Is Gone | Teen Ink

My Grandmother Is Gone

December 20, 2012
By Eduardo.BxLetters BRONZE, Bronx, New York
Eduardo.BxLetters BRONZE, Bronx, New York
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My Grandmother Is Gone Now

I remember back in 2006 when my mom came from work and she was sad and crying I didn’t know why was she crying or what was wrong with her. As the door opened and she was walking into the house I could hear her cries so I went to see who it was, as I approached I saw it was my mom and I went to hug her. I saw her tears in her eyes and I immediately knew something was going on and I began to ask her why was she sad and especially why was she crying. My mom told me is nothing son don’t worry about it and I said I can't I have to know what was wrong because I care about you so much that I can't just leave it like that. And she said son lets sit I’ll tell you what’s wrong with me, and as we sat she was still crying and I thought this is really serious. My mom began talking she said son I just got news that grandma is sick very sick and she might not make it. Tears came down my eyes and I said what’s wrong with her why you say she won't make it, as my mom told me that she had been diagnosed with cancer and she might be in the hospital for so long. We sat there talking about how we couldn’t believe that she had come down with cancer I didn’t wish that to anybody but it happens. As days went by we kept getting news that she kept getting worse and worse by the day we hoped for the best and wished her well my family prayed for her well being but we knew a miracle would save her. Finally one day we got the news that she wasn’t breathing no more and she had passed away we were all very heartbroken with the news that my mom took the day off and she didn’t want to do nothing she was very devastated and finally she go out of bed and she called my family in Mexico and they were all sad for the loss of my grandmother.

Especially me because I loved her so much I couldn’t imagine a life without her me and her were very close and I didn’t imagine her not being with me I loved my grandma and she loved me she never told none of my siblings or family members but she once told me I was her favorite grandchild. I felt like hell because I never had gone through this I know she was my grandmother but she was like a friend to me. I and she were like milk and bread we were so close but I’m going to miss her cooking she made the best coffee and the best Mexican foods especially the best tropical drinks you can ever imagine. But other than being a great cooker she was really an amazing person if you really knew her that well my siblings and my whole family really loved the way she was. She tried to make everyone around her happy if they were sad she would make sure she could cheer them up and get their self esteem. She made her living by selling foods around where she lived so she could buy her grandchildren clothes and food. This women was really the nicest person we knew, everyone around our neighborhood also liked this women when she passed away everyone came to her funeral. Everyone really felt terrible of what we were going through and no one wanted that to happen to anyone. These people were very kind they brought food and hot chocolate to the funeral they contributed to this harsh time my family was going through. Once the funeral was over the next day my family went to the burial of my grandma, everyone was there from the funeral the day before. They contributed a lot they brought roses and a marching band which in Mexico is a tradition that when someone dies there has to be a marching band in the burial.

But I will miss the conversations we both had on the phone although they were long distance calls but they still made me smile every time I talked to her. My mom would call her every day and talk to her for like 5 minutes and then I would talk to her and stay on the phone for like 30 minutes talking to the women that practically raised me and helped me become what I am now. She would tell to come to Mexico often so she can see me and she would be very happy and see that I really love her so much. My grandma was the best thing I lost and I really don’t wish that this happened to no one who really loved someone like I loved my grandmother.

The author's comments:
This Was Me remembering how I lost my grandmother and i was so devastated as well as my mom and family.

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