Deep Fried Everything! | Teen Ink

Deep Fried Everything!

January 7, 2013
By 88KeysAllToMe BRONZE, Richlands, North Carolina
88KeysAllToMe BRONZE, Richlands, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Some people feel the rain, others just get wet." -Bob Marley

One afternoon in the first week of October my friend Hannah and I went to the county fair. It was a place mixed with all kinds of people. Some ventured to the game booths and rides, others to buy peculiar fair foods such as chocolate covered bacon. Hannah and I walked along until we came to the mirror maze fun house. We couldn't resist going in so the worker directed us towards the main door with the point of her finger. As we walked through the fun house we came to the agreement that it was neither fun nor sanitary. Although they're invisible, I felt the presence of millions of germs covering the walls, seats and hand rails of the house. We quickly made our exit from the house and went on to a ride. Before long our stomachs ached from all the twists and turns, our lunches felt like they were rising steadily up our throats, and our minds felt disoriented. While on the swings, every time we opened our eyes we saw the worker slouched back in his chair, cigarette in mouth, operating the ride with the tap of his foot. We felt uneasy to say the least. After all the rides, we concluded that they all have the same concept of spinning round and round for what seemed, an eternity.

“Deep fried twinkies, deep fried donuts, deep fried elephant ears!” Reads the sign at the mobile snack café. “What’s a fried elephant ear?” Hannah asked the café worker. He slowly crouched down to the window and replied, “A fried ball of dough.” After this enlightenment Hannah responded,
“Oh. Okay. One funnel cake please.”

Once she received her deep fried funnel cake, Hannah continued walking with me past the rides and exhibits. *ding* *ding* *ding* “We have a winner! Pick a prize, any prize!“ Children were laughing and smiling. Others screaming as they were removed from the spinning teacup ride. Music begins to drown out these noises as we approach the carousel. A cheerful, repetitive chorus spreads through the air. It was somewhat of a haunting melody to our ears though as we looked around at all the screaming children, negligent workers, hazardous rides and poorly prepared food. We neared the carousel. Although all the other occupants were under the age of ten, we excitedly mounted the horses on the carousel. Soon it began to move in a circular motion. My horse glided up and down the shiny golden pole. We were finally on a somewhat enjoyable, stomach-easing ride. I gazed out to the people, watched their every bite of cotton candy, when suddenly, the carousel trembled and came to a sudden halt. Before my eyes stood a woman of substantial size. With one hand on her hip and the other pointing at me she roared, "Hey! Girl in the shirt!" ( which grabs the attention of every nearby girl wearing a shirt) "You better put one hand on the pole or you won't be allowed to ride." Stunned, speechless and receiving death stares for disrupting the ride, I instantly grasped both my hands around the shiny golden pole. The woman dismounted the ride and it began to move again. I was certainly surprised by the action this lady took to enforce her rules, but at least she wasn't apathetic about her job like every other worker there. She was simply concerned about my safety. Concerned about my safety on the safest of all the rides at the fair.

When we thought we had seen and experienced all there was to the fair, a voice came through a speaker announcing the talent show was about to begin. Oh what talent could possibly await us? We took our seats. After about half way through the show we discover everybody in Onslow county is a singer. Little girls aspiring to be the next Hannah Montana. Big girls believing they already are. We dismiss ourselves after one too many solos.

We were definitely exposed to alot in one day. We met the people that come together to produce a very pathetic and humiliating county fair for the citizens of our city. It was disgraceful. Perhaps someone will come along and revamp our county fair. Whether that happens or not, Hannah and I certainly had an experience we won't forget.

The author's comments:
A personal account of my experience at the fair.

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