Letter to my Grandmother | Teen Ink

Letter to my Grandmother

January 9, 2013
By mng495 BRONZE, Arlington Hts, Illinois
mng495 BRONZE, Arlington Hts, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Nana,

It’s been 5 years now and to have you here right now would change everything. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you or ask myself “what would Nana tell me to do?” when I come across a problem in my life. Sometimes I think about what it would be like if you were still here. Stupid cancer took my best friend away from me. I wish I could make a phone call to your house and you would answer and we would talk for hours like we used to. Talk about everything and everyone. From school to the boy I was crushing on. You would always tell me I would find my prince charming one day. Well... I’m still waiting. I also wish you could make me pasta one more time. It doesn’t taste the same now that Papa makes it. I wish I could spend the day at your house and color pictures and have royal candle light dinners where I was the princess and you were the queen. You truly were a queen Nana, to me and to our family. Remember that necklace you gave me on my 10th birthday? It’s hanging from my rearview mirror in my car. I look at it everyday and I know you’re there watching over me. It’s hard to believe it’s been so long since any of those things happened. There were also a lot of things we didn’t get to experience together. Like when you said you would take me to the zoo, or we would make ice cream cake together. I wish I had a little extra time with you. I want to take another trip to The Botanical Gardens or take a walk around your neighbor hood with papa and cousin David. I never realized how much appreciation I had for you until you left. You taught be to stay young and dream big. To forgive and forget. You taught me to appreciate the little things in life. To always listen to my heart and never let others define me. You’re still my every thing, Nana. Thanks you for all you you’ve done for me. You truly deserve to know that.

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