My Relationship with my uncle | Teen Ink

My Relationship with my uncle

January 10, 2013
By Fricky BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Fricky BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
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My uncle Trenton and I did a lot of things together, and he was always there for me. He looks just like me but with spiky hair and glasses. He was one of the people in my family that I could trust with anything. When I had a birthday at the waterpark, it never felt complete until he was there. His wedding day was the best time compared to some things. Now that he is gone, there is one day a year that I just don’t have the will or power to get out of my bed and finish the day. It’s the worst day of the year because August is my family’s lucky month in the year because 4 people were born 4 days in a row, and he died in the same month.

About six years ago when I had just come to Colorado from Minnesota, My family (before Gioia) and I had stayed with my uncle Trent and his wife Cathy. We had stayed in a small apartment, and I got to watch movies, play video games, and play in a pool for a long time. It felt like the best time ever because I got to spend time with the coolest uncle ever (he was the only one on my dad’s side). I always felt good inside me around him. Once we had found a new apartment I was happy AND sad-happy because I was able to live in my own house and sad because I was leaving Trent. He was the coolest person ever and he understood me well.

When the year came to be 2008, Trent told us that he had a brain tumor. It made me sad because he said that they were dangerous and I got scared. He had came to us later in the year multiple times either in a wheelchair or with an eye patch. I looked fine on the outside but my heart was skipping beats on the inside. He had started going to the hospital and got really sick. I made cards for him and prayed to God that he would heal and become OK.

He ended up in the hospital for a long time and they did surgery and took out a golfball size of bad stuff but didn’t get the core. The tumor grew back twice the size.

I didn’t remember much of his death. I do remember is that I came into the room and he was sort of sleeping. Not even thinking about breathing, I rushed to give him a big hug. He talked to me in a voice that spoke to me mentally that everything was going to be alright. But for now, it won’t. Cathy told me that Trent was not afraid of dying and that he would see us again. I ran to the bench with pillows and a view of the glowing streets. It was the worst view to me ever. I cried like crazy and got comforted by Cathy and my mom.

The next thing I remember is being at home and my mom had announced that Trent had died. The doctors had said there is no way they can save him. Cathy had approved that they can take out his wires and things that were connected to him. He was gone...

For Trenton’s funeral, I dressed in my nicest clothes and got as clean as I could get for him. I didn’t have the will to go their and look at his jar of ashes and have people talk about him. But I had to go. I sat next to my grandparents in the front row and I listened to his favorite song. Afterwards, I tried to have fun and get my mind off things but I just couldn’t.

I knew my uncle very well. Once he died, I forgot some important things with him. Now I listen to the story of the armageddon and I know that I will see Trent again. The time when all Christians will go up to Heaven and even the ashes and the dead bodies will go up. They will come back to the person who they once were. I know that I am going to be seeing him again, but I don’t know when. I can’t wait to see him., it’s torture because he was everything to me. Like a 2nd dad. Now that he is gone, I have one less friend that was one of the best.

I will miss you SO much Trenton...

The author's comments:
This story is about the death of my uncle before the olympics on 2008. :(

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