The Flying Cougar | Teen Ink

The Flying Cougar

January 22, 2013
By fatpatricia8 BRONZE, Novi, Michigan
fatpatricia8 BRONZE, Novi, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"even though a lot of you are really thin, you all have fat hearts, and thats what really matters". - Fat Amy

It was an icy cold February morning of my freshman year when we were loading up the bus for my first high school state pompon competition. Once on the bus, varsity was in the back and junior varsity was towards the front. In the front of the bus with our coach (Erin), we counted off our numbers in kick line to make sure we were all there. On our bus ride to Eastern Michigan University, we closed our eyes and visualized ourselves doing the routine that we worked so hard on for months to only perform on the floor for 3 minutes. This was the day we thought, the day that we could win the state championship title. All of those gruesome practices, tears, and sweat were all going to pay off.

Upon arrival at Eastern Michigan University, we checked in and reported to our designated section in the upper ring of bleachers surrounding the basketball floor where we would be performing later. After we put down our bags in our seats we then changed into our uniforms in the bleachers (it was not that big of a deal since we were required to wear our leotard and spanks on the bus). Our team was dressed and ready to dominate.

As we walked into the tunnel that led to the performance floor, Erin told us to turn around so we did not watch the other teams perform. She told each us of to bring our talents that earned us our spot on the team. The nerves started to take over, I had butterflies in my stomach and my hands became clammy.

We had gone through the first couple of formations and the routine was going perfectly, I could feel it. We were walking into kick line, one of our secret weapons since ours was perfect. The first few kicks were completely synchronized, until out of the corner of my eye I saw Erin’s jaw drop, she looked as if she was going to start crying. I could hear her yelling out “YEAH MARY, YOU GOT THIS!!!!!” to our captain. I sensed that something was wrong but I could not figure it out since I was on the opposite end of kick line. Once we were walking off the floor, I saw a shoe laying there. My stomach dropped and I began to panic. What could have possibly happened? How did this happen? I had a plethora of questions racing through my head that desperately needed answers.

Erin told us that Mary, our captain, shoe had fallen off in kick line causing her to fall. She said we gave it our best shot. That was not good enough in my eyes. We put in so much time and effort for it to just be thrown away? Needless to say, we were extremely disappointed. At the award ceremony our heads were hung, as if a mild stage of depression had washed over the team. We circled up and were mentally prepared for the worst. The awards started, fifth, fourth, and third place had been called. There was no way we could get second, there must be a mistake I thought. They called second and then they paused, first place goes to Novi! I could not believe that we won the state championship title with such a noticeable freak accident.

Encore, the time we could show everyone our flawless routine, without Mary’s flying cougar. That time, it really was perfect. There was not one mistake or hesitation in our moves. We killed it and everyone knew it. The adrenaline pumped through my veins for quite some time after that performance.

We can look back and laugh at the whole situation because everything ended up working itself out. Now at our banquet at the end of the states season a Flying Cougar Award is given to the girl who had overcome one calamity or another throughout the seasons. That is probably one of the most unique awards I have ever seen given , it is also my favorite. The meaning behind it is extravagant. If I were to be asked today what my most cherished memory is I would still say that state championship. That is one day that I will never forget.

The author's comments:
this is a true story that happened to my team our freshman year in highschool.

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