A New World | Teen Ink

A New World

January 22, 2013
By Katie Nash BRONZE, Northborough, Massachusetts
Katie Nash BRONZE, Northborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Splash! That is the sound the water makes as I hit the open ocean. I grab onto the rope connected to the boat and the ocean floor, and I pull myself down. The little bubbles escape my regulator as I breathe and they rise to the surface like little jelly fish. As I go deeper and deeper, I start to enter another world. In this world there is silence, tranquility, and my dreams become reality. My dreams of being able to soar and discover new things are all happening before my eyes as I plummet into the open waters.

I reach my destination point and land on the sand with my flippers. I am then enveloped in the beauty of the ocean and remember that every dive I encounter is different than the last. I love to put myself in new situations where I test my abilities and feel challenged. I then stare out into the coral structures that tower over me like buildings. Reds, greens, blues, purples, and oranges cover these gorgeous natural designs. Connected sea fans flow with the current like grass in a meadow on a breezy day. I can even swim through some structures that develop into caves. Enclosed within, I notice a creature that looks as if he is the sand. He is called a scorpion fish. He blends in with the tan and shell coated sand to defend himself from his enemies. I keep my distance because, like a scorpion, they can sting. As I rise from the cave, I am surrounded by schools of fish. Sergeant fish, with black stripes and yellow heads, blue striped grunts and yellow tail fish. Encircled by their beauty, I feel I am a part of their world. I then look to my left and catch a glimpse of the graceful nurse shark. A little bolt of energy springs up though my body. Gliding through the water, he pays no attention to me, unaware that I am hypnotized by his presence. He slithers along the sand and feeds off of the mollusks and crustaceans. Subsequently, a new friend has caught my eye. Old and wise, I reach out to touch the shell of the sea turtle. The shell is smooth but slimy and filled with different shades of brown and orange. I stare out into the open waters as my new friend swims away. The bright sun glimmers through the water and shines onto his shell. As I look up into the radiant sun through the water, I am amazed to see hundreds of moon jelly fish floating near the surface. They are round big blobs of gooey mass that have little hairs on the outer part of their body. They are transparent except for a flower shaped membrane in the middle of their body. As these hundreds of jelly fish take my breath away, I come to realize that I am soon to run out of air.

As I swim back to the rope that connects both worlds, I take one last look out into the open sea and appreciate all it has to offer. The peacefulness and the magnificent creatures that inhabit the ocean are the things I love most about this other world. As I climb the rope, I wish I could stay down there forever, but this is what makes this experience so special. My time is limited in both worlds that I love so dearly, and I learn to appreciate every little thing that comes my way.

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