The Wet, Fun, Birthday Splash | Teen Ink

The Wet, Fun, Birthday Splash

February 12, 2013
By Anonymous

During summer break there were many extravagant events that happened, but only one event stood out from the rest of the events. That was going to a waterpark for my 13th birthday.

The waterpark I selected for my 13th birthday was the Chula Vista in the Wisconsin Dells. I have been to the Wisconsin Dells approximately 6-7 times. When I was previously in the Dells, I stayed at the Kalahari, so staying at this new waterpark made it more exciting.

The day we set off on the road was Monday, August 6th. We left at 9:oo am. We started off driving, this was not the highlight of the trip to the Dells, but it was sure interesting. When we reached Hartford, we found that we had to take a detour. This detour was only about 10 minutes added to our journey. After the detour there was still a lot more road ahead of us. As we got closer to the waterpark, the radio started to fade in and out; that’s when it got boring because then there was nothing to listen to.

It was five minutes untill we would have reached the Chula Vista. I could see the waterpark in the distance.

We pulled into the parking lot of the Chula Vista and I could see all of the buildings. We pulled up at the lobby. We waited in line, then a woman said, “Can I help you?” We walked over to the desk, and she took us through the map of the waterpark and where our room was. After the woman told us where our room was, she asked if there were any questions. My dad replied with, “No, I don’t think so.” So, my dad and I jumped back into the truck and drove to the Golf Villas where we were staying.

We pulled up and parked in the parking lot of the Golf Villa, we got out of the truck and I started to run to the waterpark. When we got there, I looked around and thought, “Here comes fun.” We stayed in the waterpark the rest of the day. As the day went on, I got really frustrated because of all the people running and walking in all different directions, and I had never been there before.

After several hours at the waterpark, we left and walked over to the check-in desk. We asked if our room was available yet. She responded with the words, “Your room is ready now, and you’re in the building right over there.” The person working the desk was pointing at our map that the front desk gave us. When we got to the room, I opened the door and I saw the room for the first time, I loved it. I ran to the window and opened the sliding door and stood on the deck. I just looked around and could not believe the room my parents had gotten for me. After I had looked around my mom said, “Ara, let’s go.” We had to go get the rest of our luggage. When we came back to the room, we unpacked the rest of our things. After we unpacked from the truck, we sat on the couch and turned on the TV.

That night we had a pizza. After we had our pizza and finished watching TV, it was about 12:30 am, and I thought I better go to bed so I wouldn’t be so tired the next day.

The next day I woke up and we had some breakfast. After breakfast, my mom and dad, along with me, went to the water park. We spent the whole day at the waterpark. When it came to getting lunch, we went to the concession stand near our chairs. After lunch, I went back to the waterpark and went on every single ride. There were three racing slides, the one body slide, and three other tube slides.

The second day, I met someone named Fernando. He was extremely nice. Then we started to hang out and go down all the rides. It started to get late, so I said I’m going to get going.

Then I started off walking back to my parents. My parents and I decided we would go back to the room, we had pizza again, and watched a show called “Outrageous Car Crashes”. After we had dinner, we called the shuttle and went back to the waterpark.

My parents did not go on any of the rides the rest of the night. I started out going around and around the lazy river. Then I went on ride after ride after ride. After all that stair climbing to get to the rides plus taking the tube up all the stairs I got thirsty.

I was not about to drink the chlorine water, so I jumped back into the lazy river and went to my parents and found my mom at the hut/bar. She was getting beer and I asked if I could get a soda. She said, “Yeah, I suppose,” but then something caught my eye and it was this really cool cup. The worker said it was $15.00 and my mom said, “okay you can get it.”

After taking a 15 minute break, I decided to go back into the water. I then went on a couple of rides and went on the lazy river again. I got out of the water to dry off. About 15 minutes later, there was an announcement saying that waterpark was closing and we had to get out of the water and leave the park.

We walked outside and waited for the shuttle to come. When the Shuttle arrived, we jumped in the shuttle, which was a bus. He drove us back to the Golf Villa where we were staying.

That next night we decided to go out for dinner. We chose a Mexican grill restaurant. The food was great. After dinner we went back to the room and then I got to open my presents. That was exciting.

The last day was depressing because I knew we had to go home and leave the awesome waterpark.

When I got up from bed the next morning I found my mom and dad starting to pack up our luggage. I jumped up out of the bed and slowly started to helped them pack.

I went on the first level and got a luggage cart and brought it up the room. When I got back to the room my dad was starting to unpack the refrigerator. Then I put my bag on the cart and followed by my parent’s suitcase. Lastly, the cooler and all the other belongings we had brought were piled on top. We put our luggage in the truck and hopped in, then left the waterpark.

We decided to go into town on our way home. When we got to town we went from store to store. This was exciting because I had only been into town once. This birthday was extravagant because I had never been to the Chula Vista waterpark. I had also never been to a waterpark for my birthday, so that made it even more special. By far this was the best birthday I ever had.

That was the wet, fun, Birthday splash!


The author's comments:
This piece is about my 13th birthday and the fun I had during my birthday splash at a water park.

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on Jun. 17 2013 at 4:14 pm
This is understandable that money can make us autonomous. But how to act if one doesn't have money? The one way only is to receive the loan or auto loan.