Hurt. | Teen Ink


February 19, 2013
By Anonymous

Hurt. There's so many definitions, you yourself may have your own very unique definition. But the hurt i'm feeling right now, as I type these words, is the hurt of heartbreak. I know what youre thinking. Another little teenage girl whining about how life is unfair because her relationship has come to an end. Great. But you're wrong. I haven't come here to whine or blame anyone. Just to put my feelings down, so if I were ever to forget, I could simply come back and remeber. Sort of like my own little hard copy of memory. So to begin I suppose I should set the stage; a sixteen year old girl meets an eighteen year old boy. But not just any boy, a boy who is unlike any other she had ever met. And she was in love. She didn't expect to grow up and marry him, but she did want to spend as much time as possible with this fascinating creature of hers. Before she knew it they were in what seemed like the perfect relationship, she understood his charming sarcasm and he understood her own witty sense of humor.. And they were happy. Although like any perfection in life, it couldn't last. 8 months in, she noticed the distance growing between them. In a panic she began choosing her words carefully, before she realized, she wasn't speaking at all. They had their first fight. It was rough but they survived with his promise he wouldn't treat her like a stranger and her promise to say what's on her mind. And they were happy. Two months go by and he pulls her aside into the safety of his truck. The past weeks had been rough to say the least, and she knew in her heart, this would be the last night she could call him hers. He confessed he hadn't felt the same since that first fight and has no intimate feelings for her. That was the end. And she hurt. After the incident, they exchanged texts as if they were just two friends taking about everything and nothing. it seemed like it ended just as fast as it began. And it hurt. But that was the cold truth of what seemed to be the perfect couple. There was our end. Nothing glamorous. Nothing evil. Just nothing. And this hurt I feel inside can not be explained with one word. But the only way I can describe it as breathing but not not getting any air. Swimming to the surface but never reaching it. I feel lost. He had been the only thing I thought of for months, and sadly still is. For once you love someone, you can never stop loving them. And if you can, then you never truly loved them in the first place.

The author's comments:
Putting things on the record.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 2 2013 at 11:21 pm
AlaskaGirl GOLD, Klawock, Alaska
11 articles 4 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Screw the shining armor. I will take my man in dirty camo any day"

You're a great writer. And I just want to say I understand your pain. Remember, it is always good to vent. And I, personally, find that teenink tends to be my safe haven of ventation.