Concussion | Teen Ink


February 26, 2013
By Anonymous

Have you ever seen your life flash before your eyes? I have. It was during summer, and blazing hot. I was at my monthly horse show with my brand new horse, Bandit. I was working on my third horse in three years. I hadn't had Bandit for more than a couple of months, but so far I loved him. It was the usual horse show morning, wake up at five, go to the barn, ride at six and wait around for six hours for your division to start. I schooled my horse over a few jumps before going into the ring to be judged. I was nervous, I had been having trouble getting Bandit over the jumps. He had been coming to a halt right before them, but I was determined to get him over them. I wanted to prove to everyone that I could do it. Bandits old owner had show up to watch me, which always freaked me out, so I was super nervous. It was my turn to go in for my warmup. I memorized the course and went in the ring. I was sailing over jumps like nobody's business. I had a few stops but he would eventually get over them. I was feeling pretty nervous for my first judged round. I really wanted to get over all the jumps perfectly, but I would have settled for just getting over everything, it didn't even have to be pretty, I just didn't want to hit the ground at all during my course. It was time for my first judged round. I was feeling nervous but I felt like i could handle getting over everything, but in the back of mind mind I always had that doubt.

Memorized course and spurs on my boot, I was ready. I went in and started up the canter to my first jump. It was not bad, but it was not perfect either, but it would do. I hoped all the other jumps would be good like the first one. I rounded the corner and looked for my next jump. After this one I only had six more jumps to jump until I was finished. The next jump came quickly. I remember it exactly, it had white polls and red flowers. I pushed Bandit up to the jump and got ready to jump it. I went flying over the jump, but without my horse. Bandit had decided at the last minute that he didn't want to jump over the jump, so he stopped and let me go over without him. I was lying on the other side of the jump about ready to get up when I see the under side of my horse flying in the air above me. He had obviously decided that he should jump over the jump with me on the ground on the other side. Bandit landed on the ground on the other side of the jump, but instead of landing on the ground, his hoof landed on my head. It all happened so fast. I felt his hoof land on my head with severe pressure and then a sharp pain came right above my temple. I couldn't move it hurt so bad. I remember lying on the ground, not thinking of anything else but the worst pain I have ever felt in my life, not to mention the ringing in my ears. My very first thought after all this happened was that I should get up so they wouldn't think I was hurt and make me stop riding. I opened my eyes and the brightness of the sun blinded me. After a minute the brightness faded and tons of people came rushing up all talking at once, but I never made out a single voice. I was in a sort of dreamy haze where I couldn't make out anything specific, and the light from the sun sort of glowed on everything I looked at and made it all seem like a dream. The EMTs that were on the grounds at the time came rushing up and joined into the crowd surrounding me. I remember them asking if I was all right and telling me not to move in case anything was wrong, but I kept insisting the I was fine, not telling them my head hurt so bad. Some lady started helping me up and all I could ask her was where was my earring and refusing to get up until they found it. They people finally found it and I made my way back to my horse. I insisted on finishing up my round even though I was kind of fuzzy and confused on the whole situation, I did not want anyone to know I was hurt at all. I went back into the ring and started going I realized I had no idea which jump to go over so I had to leave the ring again. I was so embarrassed that everyone saw me fall, and I started to cry, mostly of embarrassment and partly of the pain still on my head.

My helmet started to juggle really weirdly so I took it off and saw that it was broken.

There was this huge bruise right above my temple and I couldn't open my mouth wider than a few inches because of my bruised jaw as well. I always remember how bad this situation could have been if I did not have a helmet and I always remember that day as the day my life flashed before my eyes.

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