Six days in the hospital | Teen Ink

Six days in the hospital

February 28, 2013
By Chubbybunny101 BRONZE, Mitchell, South Dakota
Chubbybunny101 BRONZE, Mitchell, South Dakota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I still remember that day like it was yesterday. My mom, dad, and I were in the car on the way back from the doctor. My mom was on the phone with my Grandma. She was telling them if I didn't get better by Wednesday, that I would be put in the hospital. I was in second grade, so I really didn't know what they were talking about. Still I was really scared and didn't want to be in the hospital. By Wednesday I wasn't any better so I was Admitted to the..... HOSPITAL!

On that Wednesday, I wasn't any better at all. I was hoping that I got better, but I didn't. The nurses asked me if I wanted to ride into the wheelchair to my room I didn't want to. I was sad as a dark cloud. The nurses tried to cheer me up but it didn't work.
While i was sick I had to miss school. All of my classmates made me cards. My best friend Samantha told me she missed me a lot. While I was there I got a lot of visitors from my family.

My parents had to miss a lot of work because every night one would stay with me and one would be at home with my sister. I assumed they had to spend a lot of money on gas because I didn't go to the doctor in Mitchell. I don't know if one would stay with one night and the other would stay with me the other night, but it seemed they were always there with me.

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