Teddy | Teen Ink


February 28, 2013
By Anonymous

It was a normal day in the village. I woke up with the sun shining through the window and the clouds were perfectly displayed across the sky. I got up, walked through the kitchen with my teddy bear named Teddy. At the time, I thought it was the coolest name in the world. Teddy was my best friend, I told him everything and we have been through everything together, since the day I was born. He has never left my side. After breakfast, me and Teddy decided we were going to the beach. I went swimming and I ate ice cream like any normal six year old girl would do in the village. I was jumping off the port into the ice cold Mediterranean water. The sun was shining brightly over the village and it was a perfect summer day. I remember this day very vividly. I hung-out with all my friends and of course had Teddy by my side. I always felt safe with him, he knew all my deepest darkest secrets. After I jumped off the port multiple times, I got out of the water and decided to go eat my lunch. After lunch, me and Teddy took a nap. We had a very eventful day and we had a long night ahead of us. We were told, that if we took a nap we could go into the village tonight with my friends. We quickly went to sleep and woke up after a couple of hours. It was around four o'clock and we started to walk up the village with my family. I remember walking up the village and going to go eat with my friends. After dinner, we all decided to play hide and go seek, elated we started to play. I remember, my parents calling me while I was in my hiding spot. I heard, "Jennie Lynn we are leaving with or without you." I quickly got up and ran to my parents and walked down the village. I walked all the way down the village, walked upstairs and I was about to go to bed. Then it hit me, I realized that I had lost my best friend. Panic stricken I started to cry, and run to my mom. When she realized what I was missing she told me I would find him in the morning. I started to cry even more, but I knew that I would have to wait. I cried myself to sleep, heartbroken. When I woke up I was solemn and extremely sad. When I walked downstairs I heard my parents outside the house talking to man. I heard "Thankyou, she will be very excited." I ran outside and saw Teddy in my dads hands. I was so happy I screamed. I thought to myself, "Teddy came back!" I gave him a hug and swore to myself that I would never leave him alone again.

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