We Are Equal | Teen Ink

We Are Equal

March 5, 2013
By Cyclone603 BRONZE, The Woodlands, Texas
Cyclone603 BRONZE, The Woodlands, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At First, I thought that it was kind of peaceful. Alone in the dark, I really had time to think about where I am in the world. I thought that people were all made to do great things. Everyone could just live their life as they wish. We are made to reach unimaginable heights on this great mountain we call society. We can all achieve great things if we live off our morals that our fathers and our grandfathers taught us while they fought for our freedom, for your freedom, for their freedom. I thought that we could embrace the wishes of those around us while in the midst of all the turmoil and hate we could learn to love and do you want to know why? We are equal.
But let’s get something straight. We are not equal in the sense of accomplishment and achieving our goals. As we sit here and think about life in the future, there are others that would rather talk about what they had for lunch and who they saw in the hallway. While we live off our morals and our dignity, they live off telling the story of others and putting it as their own. They want to excel in life by taking the souls of their victims and turning upside down to make it seem like they are the king of kings, but in reality they are weak. They are vultures that wait for the hardworking lion to chase down its prey and when the lion is done they dive down and take what is not theirs. We all fall into the trap of those who are so incompetent that they can’t even look us in the eye. But I will tell you this.

We are still equal.
They may say they are better. They may say they are stronger. They may say that they are the masters and we are the slaves, but I can assure you. I can see what is coming for them. A life of “Spare change”, and “Please sir, help me”. We will be the ones on the other end of that wimpy beggar remark, and do you know what we will do? We will pick them up, and we will feed them, clothe them, bathe them, and tell them that they are not alone. All they needed was a friend. We will be the ones who tell them that they are loved, that they are wanted, that they are needed. Do you want to know why? We are equal.

The author's comments:
The inspiration for this piece is, all people are the same. It doesn't matter if you can skateboard, write poetry, build robots, or anything else, we are all people. We need to start realizing it.

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