Scared Straight | Teen Ink

Scared Straight

March 6, 2013
By YoChelsss BRONZE, Miwaukee, Wisconsin
YoChelsss BRONZE, Miwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Is this really happening to me?" thinking to myself felt as if I were trapped in a small corner.


"Open the door"

As I tried to do so the door of the passenger side seemed to be jammed. It was not opening for me at all. Crying and panicking for my life, many thoughts went through my head.

"What if I can't get out? What if nobody comes to help me and I die? Why isn't my mom doing anything to help me?"

My mom was sounding worried, so she told me to just get out on her side. With my eyes barely opened, I managed to climb over to the driver's side of the car and get out. As I walk out into a new scene, I stand in the cold streets of Minneapolis at a 4 way stop. I look in front of me and see a Navy Blue Nissan totaled. Across the street on the right of our car was the enemy. From my perspective at the time, being a young child, the large white van and the man seemed pretty fine.

Patiently waiting for the policemen and fire department to arrive, I questioned my mom, the girl in the back seat, and thought to myself some more.

"Tosha, you okay?" I asked.

"Yes I'm fine, but I hope you're okay"

"Good you wasn't in the front"

"(chuckles) I know right"

And we were just so close to the school. Only down the street, why did he have to do this to us?

Everyone's attention is now towards the big red fire truck that pulled up into the middle of the scene. The four men quickly hopped out of the truck and came to talk to us. Making sure everything was okay between both parties. Even though I was hurt, I was excited at the same time. I got the chance to tell all my friends I got to talk to fire fighters and sit in the fire truck. Anxiously waiting for the police to arrive, talking with fire fighters, he interrogated me with questions about myself like. . .

"What's your name?"

"How old are you?"

"What grade are you in?" and many others, allowing time to pass.

Finally, the police arrived but unlike partners that would normally ride together it was only one officer. He asked the evil man questions first. Then came over to us. My mom answered all the questions explaining to him what happened..." we were sitting at the four way stop, but the guy had got there before we did. So as a good driver I allowed him to go first but he insisted we did. As he signaled his hand for us to go ahead, we began to pull off in the middle of the street approaching the speed limit than all of a sudden... C R A S H! He ran into us."

The author's comments:
My class had to write a personal Memoir and I decided to write about one of the few memories I have as a child.

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