Sea Life | Teen Ink

Sea Life

March 20, 2013
By cmaria BRONZE, North Scituate, Rhode Island
cmaria BRONZE, North Scituate, Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To some, the coastline is merely a location on a map defining the boundary between land and sea. For others, it is a destination—a summer playground. Families travel hours to enjoy the sprawling beaches, endless boardwalks crammed with amusement rides soaring high above the shore, and arcades that provide hours of token-operated, carnival style entertainment. For me, however, the beach is home, it is a sanctuary where I can find inner peace, and it has molded me into who I am today. Over the course of many years, the sights, sounds, smells, touches and tastes of the ocean have worked in sync to permeate every aspect of my life. All of my happy memories, fulfilling moments, and life-defining events seem to occur where the water meets the land and the extended days merge together allowing time for physical and emotional exploration.

The cool sheets that I crawled into only a short time ago are now warmed by the salty humid air that is gently blowing through the window screens. My white gauze curtains sway in the breeze and brush the edge of my foot, as my eyes open to the bright sunshine beaming into my room. The subtle scent coming from the magnolia infused beeswax candle that rests on the mantle in the living room seeps under my door. The soothing sound of waves rushing onto the beach and the shrieking seagulls searching for breakfast act as my summer alarm clock, signaling that it’s time to rise and greet another sultry summer day.

I walk across my warped wide plank wood floor dusted with coarse granules of beach sand that managed to hitch a ride on my flip-flops now crunch under my toes. Still drowsy from a restful slumber, I stumble over the little step leading into my bathroom and catch myself on the cold metal towel rack that holds my summer uniform - a swimsuit. The lime stained shower door whines as I pull it open and reach for the loose faucet handle. Ever so slowly, I step inside the stall. The hard cool water coming from the shower head beats down on my sunburned shoulders, as I gently scrub my chapped lips with the sugar and honey concoction my mother made for me. Cautiously, I tip my head back and try to comb the lavender rinse through my tangled hair, while the uneven tiled floor acts to massage my blistered feet. The square skylight above reveals a brilliant blue void of even a wisp of white cloud.

Jumping out of the shower and onto the tattered bath mat, I grab the white cotton towel that has been warmed by the sun shining in through the window. Before my body has time to dry completely, I drench my skin with coconut scented SPF 50, tie my triangle top and slip on my Havaianas. The old screen door with its crackling paint slams behind me, probably waking my brother, and as I run across the dew covered grass, I shout to my Mom to let her know that I will be home in time for dinner.

Fuchsia and Sapphire hydrangea still soaked with morning mist droop over the white picket fences that line the streets. The blacktop is already hot and crowded with cars slowly streaming into the beach parking lot. I avoid the main entrance. It is reserved for families who invade this beautifully preserved land with their umbrellas, chairs, pack and plays, coolers, toys, and screaming kids. Instead, I opt to walk along the rolling dunes and out to the stone jetty that is home to quiet creatures that don’t eat potato chips or drink from juice boxes.
Battered by waves, the cracks and crevices between these boulders create a habitat for sea life. Periwinkles, limpets and barnacles live above the tide, while crabs and snails that rely on constant hydration can be found just below the surface. Schools of fish swim through the murky green water to the jetties searching for their next meal. Just beneath my feet, an entire world exists—an interconnectedness that can be seen on scales both large and small. At first glance, this entrancing oceanic community appears to function autonomously, but contemplation reveals our linked existence.

These delicate creatures seeking shelter in the rocks seem insignificant to the bathing beauties on the beach, but they are not. They provide sustenance for the fish that may reach their dinner table tonight, and they survive by feeding off of seaweed and algae whose cells are nourished by the water they live in; the same water humans often pollute without fear of consequence. The human race often considers itself superior and fails to recognize the impact of its actions on the natural world, accepting that there is a trickle-down effect, and the survival of the life we coexist with is just as dependent on us as we are on it. Some day, I will work to protect these waters. Not only on a personal level, but bigger. Maybe I will be a marine biologist, or an oceanographer; I don’t know for sure. But, I know my life’s work will revolve around shielding these organisms from those who don’t respect them or even understand their value.

Soon my friends will be joining me, so I begin to make my way to the shore. They find my obsession with morning trips to the rocks a bit unnerving, but no longer question me or ask me to skip it. Today, we are meeting at the Snack Shack. I can smell the grilled buttery hot dog rolls, as I climb the dilapidated stairs leading to the deck. The breeze is soothing my hot skin and as I reach the top, I find my three friends waiting for me at the picnic table against the rail. We devour a basket of fries smothered in ketchup, while discussing our plans for the night and then head down the stairs to the beach.

The cobalt sky is beginning to cloud up a bit with streaks of cirrus, giving the appearance that an afternoon shower might be coming this way. For now, the four of us sit at the water’s edge and the frothy sea foam flows over our feet. This is where I am happiest. The warm sand, the hazy sun, the cool water, the salty air and the distant horizon all work together to bring to mind the endless possibilities that life has to offer. I wish I could stay here forever. But, I can’t – the few grey clouds have quickly turned into multiple dark thunderheads, the air has become moist and a storm is fast approaching. We grab our towels and make a run for my house. As we reach the street, rain begins to pour down. Racing in sandals isn’t easy and soon a flip-flop flies off of my foot. We all begin to laugh and fall to our knees. When the giggling subsides, we decide to dash into the ice cream shop to ride out the storm.

The crashing thunder and violent lightning serve to remind me that life can change in an instant. One minute you can be celebrating and the next grieving. Our time here on earth is precious and with very little notice it can go from bright to gloomy. My friends detect that I am deep in thought, gazing at the low dark clouds and suddenly, they pull me back to the moment. Sometimes I wonder if they see the same things I see. The simplicity of nature always inspires me to examine the complexities of life. Right now however, this peanut butter – chocolate fudge ice cream is occupying my every thought. The sky begins to clear; we get up from the table and head outside to continue our journey home. The sound of rumbling thunder has given way to the hum of the carousel. Dozens of smiling children now wait in line where cloud-to-ground lightning strikes hit only moments ago.

Shining brightly once again, the sun dries the earth like a tissue dries tears, wiping away all evidence of the massive deluge. As we approach my house, the dune grass in the backyard is keeping time with the clothes that have been hung out on the line to dry. The crushed seashell driveway crackles beneath our feet and as we make our way to the front porch, the sweet smell of steamed mussels and lobster fills the air. As always, our back deck is crammed with family and friends enjoying the blessing of summer – celebrating life.

These are the moments that I will reflect upon when a negative event occurs that I have no power to control, only strength to endure. These beautiful, simple, peaceful occasions filled with pure joy will remain in my heart forever and serve to get me through my most dark and dreary days.

Living by the sea provides me with an instruction manual for life. Like a puzzle that needs every piece to complete the image, the routine every day activities that take place when you live by the shore combine to create a guide for the bigger things that have yet to occur. These daily occurrences encourage me to appreciate the majesty of nature and recognize my place in the universe. The rise and fall of the tides teach me that there will be slow, subtle changes and challenges ahead that I will need to ride out patiently while God guides me towards my intended destination. The intense rapid changes in weather that occur on the coast reinforce my faith; though dark storm clouds will come, the sun will shine again. An unexpected ice cream treat reminds me to save room for surprises and absorb the moment. And, the constant support of my family and our loving home by the sea will keep me grounded throughout this journey and supply me with the confidence I need to remain true to myself.

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