THE STORM | Teen Ink


April 4, 2013
By dr.dray BRONZE, Kantland, Indiana
dr.dray BRONZE, Kantland, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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everything you can do i can do better

The storm I have seen is the one that happened on April 19, 2011.

One day I was studying and all the sudden the lights went out and I went and got my dad to go get the generator so we had lights. I looked outside and the wind was blowing branches off the trees and hearing racking before the branches fell into the yard. I knew it was a thunder storm. And I followed my dad to the garage and we got the generator and hooked up to the house and started it. After we started it, turned all the light on and the generator started to make a funny noise. And all the sudden it stopped and then we figured out it ran out of gas. So we had to drive to Illinois to get gas because they had electricity to pump gas.

And then we got back home and then we had electricity. That’s one of the storms I have been through in my life.

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