Welcome to the Country | Teen Ink

Welcome to the Country

April 10, 2013
By Jasmine Vasen BRONZE, Corbett, Oregon
Jasmine Vasen BRONZE, Corbett, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My family and I moved to the country because my parents wanted to be able to have animals like horses, goats, and even pigs. So when we moved to Corbett, I was kind of excited because I got to get a horse, but kind of not because didn’t want to leave my friends. We moved anyway.?

Once we sold our old house, bought the new house,and got moved in, my parents wanted to get some animals. We had lived there for about a year and had some goats, when my dad decided he wanted to get some pigs.
We looked for someone that had piglets for sale. We found one and went over there. We got two pigs and put them in the back of our car. I was in the back seat of the car and the back/trunk of the car is open to the back seat. We didn’t have a cage for them so I could reach back and touch them if I wanted. They kept trying to get into the seat where I was. My brother and I were really freaked out. When we got home I ran to the house, but I forgot the door was locked. I couldn't get in! Meanwhile because we didn’t have a cage for them, when my mom opened the door, both pigs jumped out and ran off. My brother and I were on the porch as close to the house as we could get. We have a big property but it is long and skinny, so we were worried that the pigs would escape to our neighbors yard or go deeper into our property which is all forest. So my parents were chasing after the pigs, and the pigs were running in circles around our house. My brother and I were sitting there and we would see a piglet run by and then I would see my mom and dad run by after it and then I would see the other pig run by following. Did I mention that my parents knew nothing about farming? It went on like that for a while, until my parents decided to give up and call some friends that knew farming and had had piglets before. So they unlocked the door (finally) and called some friends. My brother and I could have gone inside but we decided to stay outside and watch, it was just too entertaining. Some of our neighbors, and the people we got the piglets from, came and continued to chase the pigs around the house. Eventually they got them cornered in the barn and were able to catch them and put them in a cage.
We learned lots of lessons from moving to the country, and that was definitely one of them. One thing I always remember, when I think about that day, was how everyone one kept saying, "Welcome to the Country."

The author's comments:
This is a funny story about when my family got pigs.

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