who made my | Teen Ink

who made my

April 11, 2013
By mae-elmo BRONZE, Troutdale, Oregon
mae-elmo BRONZE, Troutdale, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
we're not perfect, we're not clean cut, we're just tryna be ourselves.

Who made me who I am today? Who helped build me up or break me down? I was made by my siblings. They brought me down more times than I can count. But the most important thing is that they would do anything to make me smile again.
When I was younger we would go to my cousin’s house almost every week. We would blast music, dance crazy, and belt out all the lyrics of every song that played. We had a creek in my backyard, that my brother and I would go down to all the time. We would play games and every so often, when my best friend came over, she would come down and play “make believe” with us.

My brother, older sister, and I would come up with skits, that we would then record and put on my sister’s laptop. Then we would watch them, and start laughing uncontrollably. My brother and I would each take a pair of our sisters pj pants and all three of us would stuff as many stuffed animals, pillows, and blankets as we could into our shirts and pants. Then we would walk around the house and we would occasionally trip and fall. It was almost impossible to get up, and if one of us tried to help the other, they would just fall on of top them.

For one of my brother’s birthday parties, our whole family came up to our house, even though some of them live in Arizona and Utah. We blasted the music we were listening to and just danced, then we eventually went outside and we all piled up in my mom and dad’s Jeep. Once we all were in, we blasted music from the Jeep, and may I say that there was absolutely no room in it. I was sitting on the top, while some people were sitting in it, and others were standing up in the back.

One summer my mom got a kiddie pool because my baby sister wasn’t even a year yet and my older sister and I ended up wrestling in it. The rules were: no hitting, no kicking, and no drowning each other. She ended up pushing me out of the pool I don’t know how many times but I do know that she almost drowned me like five times. In the end, after about an hour of wrestling, plenty of arguments and complaints, it was over and I don’t know who won. All I remember was just thinking I will get her next year.

My older brother loves sports and you could say that kind of rubbed off on me. I’ve played softball ever since kindergarten, so almost every day my brother, dad, and I would go outside and play catch with a baseball. It would be fun until I got hit with the ball because it hurt. My brother is important to me and has helped make me because he has always helped me with anything. He and I would comfort each other whenever my mom and dad got into a fight either with each other or others. He would play with me, practice sports with me, and other stuff. No one will ever understand the relationship my brother and I share.
My older sister is important to me and helped make me because when my parents were gone she would have to take care of my brother and I and babysit us all the time. I guess she is just important, because she is one in a million. Whenever we wanted to, all three of us would play bratz dolls or poly pockets.
They are part of what made me who I am today and I love them for it. I don’t know who I would be today without them. They are what made me who I am and I wouldn’t ask for anyone else.

The author's comments:
In class we were told we had to write stories about who made us, us so I just thought my brother and sister made me who I am today.

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