For Your Bad Days | Teen Ink

For Your Bad Days

May 10, 2013
By Anonymous


So I hear you're having a bad day today, and I just thought I'd talk to you, only for a little, about bad days. Because I feel they're a very silly thing. They're so destructive, you know? Because, bad days often make you feel like you're having a bad life. Why is that?
You see, while you're busy having a bad day, beautiful things are happening all around you. Yes, you! And you're not even realizing it. And it's such a shame. Think of all you're missing.
So, I have an embarrassing story to tell you.. I used to have bad days. ALL the time. I would just decide to have bad days because it was easier that way. I guess this requires a little bit of explanation doesn't it? Well, I guess, for you.
Basically I hated myself, a lot. And I stopped eating in hopes of eventually liking myself a little more. It didn't work. Don't try it.
Then eventually, my bad days became more frequent. And I wanted to die. And then I realized something that changed my life.
Suicide doesn't get rid of the chance of anything getting worse, it gets rid of the chance of anything getting better. And while today may be the worst day of your life, that doesn't mean tomorrow won't be the best day of your life.
So now what I would like to do is go and look in a mirror, and repeat after me.
"Hello, my name is (insert name here.), and I am having a (insert favorite positive adjective here.) day."
And repeat it until it's true.

Have a nice day my friend.


The author's comments:
This is a letter I wrote to my friend who was having a bad day. I thought someone might like it.

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