The Big Surprise | Teen Ink

The Big Surprise

April 28, 2013
By Caitlyn2332 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Caitlyn2332 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Dad has something to tell you girls." my Mom blurted out.

"What?" my Dad said, "I really wish you would tell them."

"Well is it good news or bad news?" I asked.

"Well its good." my mom answered. We sat there for what seemed like 10 minutes. I was thinking about all the possibilities it could be. A cruise, a surprise vacation, we won
the lottery. Anything that came to mind was possibler. Finally my mom started talking again. "Well we found out why i have been feeling sick for a while." my first thought
was cancer, since she had it before, but that's not good news at all. My mind was racing a million miles per hour. What could the good news be. Suddenly it hit me; pregnant. "You girls are going to have a little sister!" The next thing I knew I was screaming and my sister, being as emotional as she is, broke out in tears. It was the biggest and best news I have ever heard. It was like telling a little kid they were going to Disney World. We spent the next hour talking about the many changes we would have to go through. Me and my sister, Makaela, get to name the baby which is a very big task. Knowing she'd be stuck with is her whole life we knew that we needed to really think about it hard. We are still thinking about it. I
like tha name Annabell, but I am still thinking. I realized that I am going to be so much older than her, 15 years. It made me feel really old and I felt that I should be more responsible and help get the house ready for the new baby.

I also decided I am going to keep a daily journal about her so I can remember her growing up and she can later read about herself when shes older.So she will know her
life journey when she can't remember her own memories of being little. I can't wait to hold her for the first time or sharing a room with her and even feeding her. Its going to be a weird but also any amazing experience.

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