Impacted | Teen Ink


May 14, 2013
By CRCN17 BRONZE, Wellford, South Carolina
CRCN17 BRONZE, Wellford, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Writing is typical, something you have to do even if you don’t like to or are not in the mood for it. It’s sloppy, messy and all over the place and that can be okay. In my case, writing is something I grew to love and enjoy. I got my writing impact from my mother, she loved to write and to take pictures. My mother April always inspired me to go big with my creative writing and photography. My mother wanted to write a book about herself and her five children. She started, but never could find the time to finish. Therefore, I hope to finish that dream for her.
To me writing (mine & others) makes me realize things I didn’t know before. I’m able to speak out loud and loudest as I want with my own inspiring words to others. It seems like my hand gets a kick out of it, because once I pick up a pen, it just all falls together. My problem sometimes is it doesn’t make sense to others, but it does to me and makes me feel a lot better than before.

I express myself very well in my writing; it can be whatever I want and where ever I want all over the paper. Sometimes it’s better than talking, it can’t hurt anyone if you say it to yourself, and it still feels like I got it all out even if my own secrets. It’s almost like trusting yourself not to tell on your own words.

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