To Myself | Teen Ink

To Myself

May 2, 2013
By Yoite11 BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
Yoite11 BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve been watching myself grow for the last 14 years. I’ve seen my worst and my best. I think it’s time I think about what I’ve done as a person to benefit myself. When I think back to my time in elementary school I remember hate and social distortion, but why is that? I was just like everyone else being asked what I wanted to be when I grow up. Most people said police man, and fire man, business man/woman. I didn’t think that being at a desk was very appealing so in the end even though I hate that we they were asking us in second grade what we wanted to be when we grew up, I said “, Rock-star” everyone laughed and said you can’t do that. To this day I still don’t truly believe I can do it. At the time I said “, yes I can” but, was it really a yes or was there something else I meant by that.
This started my elementary school being the lowest, being hated on since 2nd grade. I’ve always been lower than this guy or this person or been the worst at everything. I lost my will to be more than everyone because it creates people like me who believe they are less so instead of trying to help myself I helped other people. I didn’t think of it like that when I was 9 and 10 but I think maybe subconsciously I did. This was elementary school years; helping others, letting myself be the lowest. When people ask me what I want to be, I say “, I'm GOING to be a Rock star,” Not really caring what other people think because I know that they are skeptical of me. Over the years everyone has put me down even my parents didn’t really think even though they said “, yes do it” but I could tell they didn’t think I could I was clumsy and they never bought me a guitar. Selfish as it is but I go back to when I was 11 on Christmas when I got a 300 dollar video game system. When for years I’ve asked for a guitar which would have cost less. One time I remember distinctly a conversation between me and the “cool-kid” of our school at the time. I had been listening to a guy who was on stage explaining his job to us he was a “Rock-star” and this kid leaned over and pointed to his assistant and said “, look that’s your job”
I then replied with “Yup but what happens after you’re an assistant? You get to actually do it”
After a moment He said “well I’m going to be famous”
“Yes as the kid that ended up homeless with an attitude like that, I’m glad there’s no law saying you can’t believe in yourself”. I’ve learned to not to really care about everyone.
This past year has been my best. I’ve done everything I needed to get there. I’ve been playing, I’ve been working on how to book shows at venues and listening to people talk about how they got there.

I’ve had a lot of time to do things that I need to reflect on I’ve seen myself go from Emo Little kid to a hard working kid. When I switched school’s I started working hard. I think a lot of why I’ve been working so hard is because of the people chose I to hang out with. What was considered abnormal everywhere else was suddenly what made you cool so I was already cut out for this, my life has so many twists and turns that it’s impossible to reflect on it all now but I know that I've grown more mature and worked harder this year than I ever have in my life and its fun.

I may not be the most popular or anything more than just a punk kid with a guitar but one day, I bet you’ll hear my name in some newspaper somewhere, someday!

The author's comments:
this started as a school project but It turned into something way more than What I thought I wanted to my teacher told me to put up here so. I did

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