Words & Emotion | Teen Ink

Words & Emotion

May 29, 2013
By Shiv Arya BRONZE, Rolling Meadows, Illinois
Shiv Arya BRONZE, Rolling Meadows, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Words. Often said, usually meant, and commonly misunderstood. Our entire lifestyle is built upon a series of simple syllables transformed into meaningful messages that travel as waves through the air. A mix of emotion, conviction, and above all, love.

I believe in words and their power to impress upon a listener the emotions of a speaker as well as their state of mind. I believe in words and their ability to change us for the better, I believe, for it is with words that we express our deepest thoughts and sentiments.

It was 2 years ago that I first really said it, actually meaning every word that I said. It was going to be the start of a new journey for both me and my brother. My friend and sometimes foe, my partner in crime, the one who has always been there for me, and he was leaving. Leaving to begin writing his own story on the pages of life; however, for the first time, we would not be together, we would not be mistaken for twins by our peers, we would not be told that we have the same mannerisms nor that we move our heads the same way when we both laugh. But rather, we would separate, like two repelling charges, pushing away from each other while simultaneously being drawn to other things, things that were far greater than both of us.

The drive was like the crescendo to a piece of music, the multiple layers of noise combining and joining together to create one last high note, the walk to his dorm room was characterized by heightened senses, and the farewell was not anguish, but something deeper than that. The farewell was, in its purest sense, a series of words intertwined with air already heavy with the weight of sweat, the scent of deodorant, and the musty cleanliness of cardboard boxes. There was not sadness, there was not happiness, just acceptance. There was change, there was growth, and there was hope for a bright future. My audience sat captivated as I expressed, in just a few words, my acceptance, the changes occurring in both of our lives, the opportunities to grow as a person, and ultimately, my hopes for his bright future.

“Good luck, I love ya’ bro.”

The author's comments:
A short piece regarding dropping off my older brother for his first year of college and my feelings.

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