Welcome to my life- A Lyric Essay | Teen Ink

Welcome to my life- A Lyric Essay

May 22, 2013
By ebain13 BRONZE, Endicott, New York
ebain13 BRONZE, Endicott, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Welcome to my life


The smell of something baking in the oven is one of the best smells in the world. Cookies, cakes, muffins, pies. There is always something baking in the oven. It smells like it should be a bakery, but it’s not. It’s my grandma’s house. There is almost always something baking, and there is always something to put on the baked goods. Frosting, powdered sugar sprinkles. There is always something baking. I feel a sense of comfort whenever I go to my grandma’s house because of her baking. Even to this day, every time I smell something baking in the oven at anyone’s house, I am reminded of my grandmother’s house and the smell of baked goods.

Physical Features
Growing up, I never thought that I looked like my mom. I was taller than her, had blonde hair and blue eyes, and very pale skin. She had brown hair and eyes, and a very tan skin tone. Sometimes I swore that I was adopted. She assured me though, that I wasn’t adopted when she showed me pictures of my dad. The one physical feature that we both share though, is our eyelashes. We both have very long, straight eyelashes. In some ways, inheriting my mom’s eyelashes is a blessing and a curse. They fall out all the time, they get in my eyes, and when I curl them, they somehow always end up being straight again. Though they can be a pain, they are also a blessing. I get compliments on them all the time, and they look good when I put makeup on. So even though I don’t look like my mother, I am proud that I inherited my eyelashes from her.

Quotes from childhood
A saying that my mother always told me when I was growing up was “It’s better to laugh than to cry.” She has repeated this saying al1 throughout my life. This quote has helped me throughout my life. It has taught me to learn to not take everything so seriously and to laugh at myself instead of being upset. In my life, I have cried and have laughed more times than I can count, but I have always laughed more than I have ever cried. Every time I am upset or am having a bad day, I think about this quote and I feel better. I am glad that my mom has told me this saying throughout my life because it has changed my life.

30 things that are important to me
There are many things that I would say are important to me. People who are important to me are my mother, my grandmother, my close friend Chelsea, my best friend Masha, and my best friend Fay. 30 things that are important to me are colorguard, winterguard, my cats, my iPhone, my computer, my iPod, music, Netflix, sweatpants, sweatshirts, pajamas, UGG boots, UGG slippers, movies, books, converse, sushi, ramen noodles, gum, candy, Chinese food, hair ties, mac and cheese, Reese’s peanut butter cups, pasta, perfume, nail polish, sour gummy worms, Facebook, and sleeping. Without all these things, my life would be very boring and unexciting and I don’t know what I would do. I am thankful for having these things in my life because some people don’t have anything, and it makes me grateful for all the good things I do have in my life.

A funny story that is told over and over again
There are many funny things that have happened to me in my lifetime, but there is one that I always find myself telling over and over. It was last April, and I was doing community service in the park with a summer program called Upward Bound that I went to. We were using rakes to clean up leaves around the trail at Ostiningo Park. I was in the middle of the trail cleaning up leaves and I stood up to go rake some leaves somewhere else, when all of a sudden a couple of my friends shouted “Elise, watch out.” People were passing by and a couple of old Asian women were walking toward me, and before I could get out of the way, I accidently hit one of the women in the face with the rake! I looked at her horrified and immediately apologized. The woman gave me a death glare and walked away. I just stood there in shock of what happened, while my friends were laughing hysterically around me. I yelled at them for laughing at the time and I said “Oh my god, what if she sues me!” and they laughed even harder and said “Elise, she doesn’t even know your name!” At the time, I was so embarrassed but now I laugh about it all the time. It is still funny even to this day, and every time I tell it I think about the day it happened and can barely contain myself from laughing. It is stories like this one that will always make me laugh.

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