A Person Worth Remembering | Teen Ink

A Person Worth Remembering

May 23, 2013
By Anonymous

He was patient, generous, unselfish and very organised. He never complained about anything. He was a gentleman who always put his religion first.
I misunderstood him. I thought he was unfair towards me. He was always there to pester me.

At times, when I returned home late in the evening, I would enter like a kitten, afraid to awaken him because he was constantly under the weather. But, in the corner, he would wait with his furious eyes fastened at me and I knew I would listen to his lectures again. I thought how narrow-minded he was!

His strictness seemed like a damn. It was as if a grasp collar was around my neck which made me unable to shift and respire. But now that I grew up, I realise how much solicitude he had for me. During my lowest moments, he was at my beck and call to guide me. His strictness stood for love that he did not want me to lose, and the lectures that I detested, is now what I need most.

I regret all the times that I might have hurt him. My love for him is infinite! All I can give him now is my prayers. He was a great father, my dad. I miss him so much! He may not be around anymore, but he will always be treasured in my heart.

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