Woodstock | Teen Ink


September 1, 2013
By ZDUBB21 BRONZE, Cumming, Georgia
ZDUBB21 BRONZE, Cumming, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I never thought I would miss this place until I had no choice but to leave it. I have lived in many places since birth. I didn’t think I would become so attached to one city in particular. I have spent eight years of my life in this area. This city is Woodstock, Georgia and I wish I was there now.

I am from a small town in Maryland and I have lived there for nine years. The laughter of children on a play ground, the blow of the whistle from the teachers to get us inside for class, the pounding of little feet racing to be the first one inside. My elementary school was fairly small. After these years, we moved to Woodstock, Georgia.

Whenever you go to live in a new place, everything feels weird and you are uncomfortable. For some reason it wasn’t bad at all and it was a huge turning point in my life. The sight of hundreds of pines in all directions, the vroom from cars passing us frequently. It was more populated than anywhere I had ever been to at that age.

As years passed, I became attached to this place and the people. The roar of hundreds of voices in the hallways, the slam of the lockers after being used for the first time since the end of May. The first day of high school was here and I was going to enjoy every second of it.

We take football very seriously in Woodstock, especially my high school. The barbeque aroma flowing out from the concession stands, the loud thunderclaps of helmets colliding, the noise of feet pounding the turf along with the knocking of finally making the tackle. Everybody came out to support the local high school’s football team.

Woodstock is a big city but everything was close by. An outlet mall was recently opened in Woodstock. The thumping of feet all around the outlets, the clamor of people speaking to each other, the gusts of the scent of food from the food court. It is one good way to interact with the people of Woodstock.

In the middle of the city, there is a restaurant where everybody hung out. It was the place to be on a Saturday night. It is located at the end of a small shopping center and on some days you could smell the food from the restaurant. The scent of freshly made Queso dip and Tortilla chips with beef cooking in the back. It was the best Mexican food you could find in Woodstock. The restaurant was El Ranchero and once you’ve been there, nothing tastes as good.

The city of Woodstock is a great place to live in. It is a mix of the new and the old Woodstock. This city was founded in 1897. In downtown Woodstock, there are historical sites filled with tremendous information. The blow of the train whistle, the view of people walking around learning about their cities history.

The families who live in Woodstock, Georgia take joy in living there. Anything and everything can be found in this beautiful city. There is an abundant amount of justification to understand why anybody would be fond of living in a place like this. People will always move on, but don’t ever forget where you came from.

The author's comments:
I have been through a lot of hardships but moving was the worst.

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