Uncovering Proverbs 16:19 | Teen Ink

Uncovering Proverbs 16:19

September 13, 2013
By Carrie Hendricks BRONZE, Appleton, Wisconsin
Carrie Hendricks BRONZE, Appleton, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." -Provers 16:9

Leaving behind my internship in Madison for camp was easily one the the easiest decisions I had made this summer. Lake Lundgren Bible Camp has been the core of my relationship with God and the true glue which made this relationship possible. For twelve days a group of seventeen teenagers were challenged while working with elementary school students and encouraging them in their walk with the Lord. God was so evident those days it was completely radical. One of the biggest things God revealed to me is that I needed to be at camp. For like a long time. My heart during those weeks were devoted solely to God and he told me I needed to be a camp for the remainder of the summer. The only problem was Madison. My life was there and I just couldn't walk up and leave, it wasn't possible. With the passion for camp ministries alive in my heart, I prayed that God will reveal His plans for my life through my mom. I couldn't make the decision on my own and I just needed God to speak through my mom. On the last day of camp my mom and I decided to surprise my sister and the rest of my youth group in St. Louis, Missouri for the Christian and Missionary Alliance Envision Conference. The nine hour drive throughout the late night brought me to tears as I told my mom about wanting to be at camp. She told me I had to talk with my pastor in Madison, which only made sense. But I asked her, what do you think I should do? She told me if your passion is at camp and if Gods leading you there, you gotta go. After she said the simple statement, I looked out the window of our Hyundai and couldn't believe the words she had just said. With tears streaming down my face all I say is "God you are so cool." I knew that God wanted me at camp, but I needed to talk to my pastor. He was completely supportive of where my heart and passion laid. The hardest person I had to tell was my room mate, Briana. She didn't want me going to camp for such a long time and be stuck by herself. I told her I wasn't coming back to Madison and literately it was only a God thing that she was beyond excited for my endeavors. God is so cool. I'm heading up to camp Monday morning with my best friend. I thought I had my summer all figured out, but God ultimately led me into a whole different direction and I'm thankful I'm only following Him.

The author's comments:
Brought to you by the work of God through a teenage girls' life and the blog.

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