Qualifying the Called | Teen Ink

Qualifying the Called

September 13, 2013
By Carrie Hendricks BRONZE, Appleton, Wisconsin
Carrie Hendricks BRONZE, Appleton, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“God doesn’t called the qualified, he qualifies the called”

God called me. I listened. Having someone who had just graduated from LDC 2, knowing very little about how the whole staff thing worked at camp, it was my time to be used. With my staff shirt and lanyard on, I was ready, or so I thought. I had eight girls in my cabin and I had thought I had a great group of girls who wanted and desired to serve God with everything. I was wrong. I did an activity where the girls would write on a piece of paper where they would go if they were to die that night and also write why they would go there. I read them the next day and stared in amazement as I read the slips of paper. Half of my girls had blatantly admitted they knew they were going to Hell. How does one even respond to this? Prayer was the only thing I could do. I knew from that moment on, I could not be the one doing the work through the girls, but the Holy Spirit. This week I wouldn't be about talking about boys, self image, or beauty, but going back to the cross. On Thursday of that week, after the Chample I had planned a time where the girls could write letters to themselves which I would send to the girls sometime in the school year. I told the girls that with their permission I would read them. The next day I read them and I saved a girl in my cabin, Emma’s last, I had no reason why I did, God just had me read it last. Her letter brought me to tears. Here’s a girl who just four days earlier had said she was going to Hell, now has certainty that she’s going to Heaven. Here’s what the letter stated: “Emma, When I see you again during the school year, I want to see you a changed person. I expect to see you a 100% true follower of Christ. When you receive this letter again, I want you to think back to when you wrote this letter. I don’t expect to see you sitting alone by yourself because people thought that you were weird for reading your bible, but I want you to see you talking to kids at (her school name) about God. Remember the verse; Philemon 1:6- it states that you should be ACTIVE in your faith so that you have a FULL UNDERSTANDINGin every good thing we have in Christ. Remember when Jesus kept asking Peter if he loved him, and Peter said yes then Jesus asked him to feed his sheep, but Peter kept ignoring the question or like when David defeated Goliath was 10 times bigger than him. I Believe in you, Emma, so do whats right, and commit your life to God. Go on a short-term mission trip and help those in need. Stop being stubborn, even if it hurts. Stop lying to other people, and repent of your sins when you know that you’ve messed up. 2 Corinthians 5:21 – “God made him who had no sin to be sin, so that in him, we might become the righteousness of Christ. Jesus died for your sins, not just Gages, but yours too, and everyone elses too. Psalm 145:3-4 God’s Blessing, Tears started to stream down my face and I couldn’t stop praising God. He was a work through Emma’s life. I may have not been qualified to any standards to be a counselor at Lake Lundgren, but when God calls, I answer.

The author's comments:
Brought to you by God's work through a teenage girls life.

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