And So We Weep | Teen Ink

And So We Weep

September 23, 2013
By caresmith SILVER, Ellicott City, Maryland
caresmith SILVER, Ellicott City, Maryland
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Some things will always have a steadfast grasp on their innocence, and others will not. People, for instance, they lose their innocence somewhere along the road. Now this ‘innocence’ will be described in various ways by various types people. Some will agree, some disagree, some agree to disagree. But for the most part, I can almost promise to you that if/maybe there is a study to support this theory that innocence is lost. It is not something that can be preserved. Perhaps you may catch glimpses of this innocence over time, when you smell your mom’s old perfume, or your past lover’s shampoo. A trigger; bringing it all back to you, an abrupt slap to the face to remind you of your innocence. You might feel it back there, settling into your soul again, paying a visit. And then, just like that, it is gone. Innocence is not something that can be held onto. Not for long. Sooner or later the world tears you from this innocence and the world does not play fair, the world plays finders keepers, losers weepers. And so we weep. What we weep over differs, but we all weep together. Every day as we walk this bitter earth and tear it to shreds, we tear our own world of it’s own innocence for we are not the only victims. Why do we weep, you might ask? We weep for the lying boy who took it and wouldn’t give it back even if he could, we weep for the parents who are growing far quicker than we are, we weep then for the childhood slipping through our fingers as we rarely try to halt it, for the first time we fought with a lover, the first times, so many first times, too many too count, all leading us down the winding road of our lives and taking us further and further from our innocence. The path closes behind us, a shrinking room until we have nothing else except for the brutal reality to envelope us.

The author's comments:
This piece was written from personal experience and written while I listened to the song "Candles" by Daughter.

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