NEW QUAD | Teen Ink


October 4, 2013
By Outlaw BRONZE, LeRoy, Michigan
Outlaw BRONZE, LeRoy, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Winter had just ended and the snow was gone, it was time to break out the quads. I had a problem though I had just outgrown the quad I had last year. I was about 11 and I want a new quad. I just outgrown the one that I had, so it was time to get a new one. We had a problem we didn't have money for a new quad.

I ask my dad if I could buy it, my dad said, “No”. Then he thought about it a little more and said, “I don’t think you should.”

I said, “why not dad I have been working at the farm for almost six years and I have worked my butt off.”

After that he said, “That I will have to talk to your mom about it.” When he says that he has to talk to my mom that means no. so I was already mad and didn’t feel like talking to anyone so I went to bed.

When I woke up that morning I was expecting my dad to say no that I can’t get a new quad but he pulled Jesse, brock and me aside and said all of us could get a new quad. Not one quad for all three of us all but all of our own quads. So we started to look and look, we look for about a month in an half and Jesse found one in Ohio but it was very close to Michigan. Then I went on eBay and found one in Ohio and I ended up buying it, then brock found one in Ohio too. Quad in Ohio are so much cheaper than in Michigan I don’t know why but they are. My family and I started are way down to Ohio to pick up our quad that we bought. So my quad was the first quad that we were going to get. On eBay it said that my quad was about 250 miles away but it wasn’t, it was about 350 miles down at the bottom of Ohio. So the trip was a lot longer than it was going to be, but that was okay though. When we finally reach the house that had the quad that I bought it was everything that I wanted. The quad was a raptor 350 Yamaha it was the perfect size for my age. Once we loaded it on our trailer we started our way to Jesse quad that he found. He found a Polaris predator 500 he was 16 when he found it. Jesse quad had a broken grab bar so we bought the cheaper than we thought we were going to. His quad was a lot more north in Ohio than my quad was. It was getting late but my dad wanted to stop at the house that brock found the quad at. When brock did he thing and drove it around he said that he wanted it. So brock bought it.

It was late and we want to sleep, so we stayed in Ohio for the night. It was funny on the way home from Ohio, the whole time Jesse, brock and me could not stop looking at our new quad on the highway. When we finally got home all three of us got on our quads and rode it all night. It just show that how much you work and worked hard, what could happen so don’t give up on something you want.

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