Running | Teen Ink


October 4, 2013
By tonymoore BRONZE, Leroy, Michigan
tonymoore BRONZE, Leroy, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Running has changed my life drastically. It has made me a better person and better at sports. It has taught me how to become the best I can be and always get better. It has given me a competitive edge that I will never lose. For example running the very first year. I did not take it serious and I just wanted to stay in shape for wrestling. But as the year progressed forward I wanted to keep getting better and wanted to beat more people. Running has something about it that makes you want to win no matter what and it has made me really competitive. I believe that running is helping me in other sports on making me win and be better but sometimes I think I’m a jerk during sports to people who don’t try because I get mad at them because I want to win. If you’re not willing to try and be a part of the team then why do it. Why do they think people yell at them and are always mad. The sport is not made to be fun, it’s to be competitive and show how good you are and how mentally tough you are to push past your limit. All the team talks about is how it’s a team sport and we need to do things as a team, but to be honest only a few people try and actually want to do well. So until everyone actually tries then it can be a team effort. I like my team and I don’t like being a jerk but I am competitive and I want to win individually and as a team.

During the highland conference meet I was warming up by myself because I was nervous and wanted to do things on my own to get prepared and ready for the race. Then the team captain was saying I had to be with the team and I didn’t want to so I argued with him and refused to be with the team. I usually don’t act like that by my nerves were getting to me. That was the day that I had my best race so my nerves helped me and my adrenaline was pumping and right when the gun went off I knew it was going to be a good race. I was running fast. Way faster than I ever had before and it felt good. All I wanted was to beat and it had me going. When I crossed the finish line seeing I took 9th place and my goal was to be top ten I was ecstatic. So I ran to my coach to see what my time was and I destroyed it by 50 seconds and ran my personal best time of a 17:53!

So as the story goes along the team thing is getting worse because some people are still not trying and doing their best and it’s getting close to the most important races of the year. The ones that decide who is going to state and who will be all conference. All I want to do is train hard and keep getting better as the season goes but I can’t when I have some of the team holding me back trying to make it a team sport. I do better and get better when I train by myself and do my own thing so why would I want to do things as a team. I mean it’s good to be a team and make it a group effort but it’s hard to do when everyone has different ways to train and prepare for a day of running. I like my team and the people on it but what they do is way different than what I’m doing and my way is best for me. I’m going to try to be a better person for the team because I like them and I want to be successful as a team and individually.

The reason I am training so hard is that I am going to need to get a scholarship for college in something and I’m really not sure what I want to do in college other than sports. So I kind of have an issue because I don’t like anything other than sports but I have to do something in college for my backup plan but yet I don’t like anything unless it has to do with sports. I always get asked the question of what I want to do when I get older and I’m in college and I have to tell them I’m not sure or I don’t want to do anything other than play sports. I know I need to find something I like for college and I’m running short of time to figure it out. I have been in sports ever since I could. I eat, sleep, and think sports all the time during school, at home, and practice. I’m just worried that if I don’t be competitive and train hard to be the best what is going to happen after high school. If I don’t get a sports scholarship everything I worked for in life is gone and would have been a waste of time.

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