Florida Memories | Teen Ink

Florida Memories

October 4, 2013
By Lebron Cruse BRONZE, LeRoy, Michigan
Lebron Cruse BRONZE, LeRoy, Michigan
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I just couldn’t believe that for a third time I am able to go to Orlando, Florida and visit all the Disney characters once again. Although I will not be going with the same people I have the previous two years due to no money and a tragic loss this past summer. This time I am taking my own friend this year, and we will be going on Feburary first and be staying for a week. Way back when I went on my first trip to Florida it was me, my parents, Stephanie and Valerie, and their parents. The major fear was getting lost and not finding our parents because we loved each other so much especially for taking us to Disney World.

We left in the middle of winter and made tons of memories just on the flight there. Like throwing the cruddy food around the plane and getting yelled at by our parents. We also talked about all the memories that we will make during the next week that we will never forget no matter what. When we were in Florida we took turns with each other being riding buddies because there were three of us, this year my friend and I won't have to worry about that because there will be only two of us. Way back when we went the first time we were a little scared and crazy excited because it was our first time going to Disney World together. The main reason we got scared is because it’s so big and there would be so many people and we just did not want to get lost, and just that happened.

The third night we were at Disney parks the girls and I were at Epcot we decided we want to ride the coolest ride in Epcot the “Test Track”. There was a group line and a single person line, the girls and I got in the single person line because it was way shorter. we got on at different times and got off about five minutes apart. I waited for them and when we were all finished we headed around the building for another go. When we got to the other side our parents were gone.

We then walked back around to see if they were there and no one was on the other side but random people. We waited there for around 10 minutes to see if they were there then we decided to get back on the ride and see if they turn up. We did it over and over again because the ride was so fun. when we got out for the last time they were at the exit. They were wondering where we were and us wondering where they were. They said that they went to go grab a snack and use the restroom, they just figured that we would be ok and continue to ride the Test Track because it there was hardly a line and we enjoyed it so much the first time.

The truth in this memoir is if you lose your parents don't freak out and just do what the last thing you did again until they find you or someone come gets you chances are they went to get something to eat or take a bathroom break.

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