Trail | Teen Ink


October 13, 2013
By Tuckert1 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Tuckert1 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The adventure begins with my friends and I yelling to our parents “we are going to the store, we’ll be back in a little bit!” and they respond with the same thing every time.

“Ok be careful!” they’d yell out the window because we wouldn’t wait for an answer, we wanted to get there as quickly as possible. We walked at a brisk pace; wanting to get there as soon as possible but also taking our time because we all knew we would ha to return home at some point.

The entrance is hidden behind 2 big houses. We must stealthily run through the yard; with the fear of being seen in the back of our head. Once we got to the beginning of the trail we had entered a new place. A world within our world, this trail cut off the outside world allowing us to express our inner thoughts, finding new feelings, talking of dreams and the impossible becoming possible. Society has no effect on us here; we are allowed to do what we want, when we want. We don’t judge, we only laugh and let the flow of our conversations to take us to new places in our minds. While walking down the curved path we come upon a small river with a bridge made of scraps dangling over the slowly moving water. We all gathered scraps from our houses and helped assemble the poorly made bridge, but we didn't care, it kept us dry. The bridge only allowed 1 person a time. The water was mucky and was swimming with little creatures that would glide across the water. Each step was carefully placed because falling into that water would ruin the day. Cautiously we scooted our way across. After the bridge we come upon the Bordines massive greenhouse property. This was our last obstacle before our final destination. This place looked abandoned half the time, but every once in a while we would spot a worker walking around. This made the trail a bit more exciting; the adrenaline would pump through our bodies because of the fear of getting caught. When we reached our destination we rewarded ourselves with drinks and snacks that we would eat on the exciting adventure back.

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