Crazy, Dangerous Fun | Teen Ink

Crazy, Dangerous Fun

October 13, 2013
By azuelke444 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
azuelke444 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Alright already we'll all float on
OK don't worry we'll all float on
Even if things get heavy we'll all float on

It was a beautiful Thursday it was getting hotter but there wasn't a cloud in the sky. We had been climbing all week, everyone was in the grove of it and having a good time. Kevin was belaying me. I had decided to repeat the route, jitterbug (5.10a), I had done earlier in the week. It was the second hardest route on the wall next to the route I had set the day before (unKNOWN 5.10b). I sent the route feeling on top of the world with only a short delay at the hardest move on the climb in which, I almost hit my head on a small jug like hold . I set up to be lowered down by kevin it went as usual for the first 10 ft. Then, in a moment faster than you can snap kevin screamed, “Owch!” and I went plummeting towards the earth. He had burnt his hand and let go of the rope. In a thousand little thoughts raced through my mind faster than the speed of sound, “this is going to hurt,” “I'm going to land flat on my back,” “this is it,” “goodbye,” but at that moment all my mouth could say was “crap.” As I was falling I passed by the hold that I almost hit my head on, I tried to grab it but I couldn’t But the attempt did send me going feet first towards the ground. As all of this was happening jeff had been running towards me screaming, “oh god.” His face was a look of sheer terror, he later told me he thought I was going to die. As I was about to hit the ground I felt the rope go taught. I slunk town towards the earth hitting it, but the rope had taken most the blow. I almost pooped in my pants out of relief. I shot back up into the air due to the stretch in the rope, by now I was screaming, flat out screaming. When I got to the ground I untied from the rope and collapsed. The adrenaline was pumping full strength by now. Jeff told me I was in a trance I wouldn’t respond but i don't remember doing that. I had trusted Kevin with my life and in a split second he had betrayed me. I guess i had been too trusting. It makes me think now if i should trust people and often times I don’t. The concept of trusting people with my life just to experience some crazy, dangerous fun. Was it really worth it? I still climb, I’m just much more mindful of all the little details that could go wrong, and pay much more attention to them.

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