The Fire, the Memory | Teen Ink

The Fire, the Memory

October 13, 2013
By Sarah Deo BRONZE, Waterford, Michigan
Sarah Deo BRONZE, Waterford, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Rushing around wondering what we do next, while nothing comes to mind. Frantically worried I say,
“ Hunter what do we do next? Whats gonna happen?”
Hunter replies back, “ I don't know! Why are you asking me?”
With the utmost worried expression on his face, I knew then, that we had messed up big time in some way.

Thirty minutes before hand my parents were expecting company. As I stare out the window into the dark tunnel of black darkness with the ever so slightly tiny specs of what looks like white enlarged sugar cubes dancing around under the moonlight. Tempting me to walk out into the shivering weather just to have one melt right on the smack dab middle of my tongue. But soon enough, just as I was about to leave my warm cozy domain and go out to the cold dark world with white flakes of confetti being forced to swirl around by the strong winds. Through the glass of the window, in the distance, I see what looks like lanterns as if two people are on a walk coming closer and closer. Once the couple gets close enough, I realize it’s not really people making their footprints in the sugar like snowy earth, they’re actually headlights. Holly, Marty, and their son Hunter are here to enjoy a movie. At least that’s what it was all cracked up to be. Once they get here, our parents begin the movie. Hunter and I decide to bake a cake for the same reason people go skydiving, just for the heck of it! Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees and were ready to go. As I'm mixing the batter, the beater starts to increase speed faster and faster so fast, the batter commences to make little splatter marks on the table. Hunter shouts from behind.

“ Uhhh... Sarah, whats that coming from the oven?”

I look behind and and see swirls of black smoke dancing around the air blowing away from the oven. Seconds later, it begins to pour out. No turning back now. Having no idea what to do, I think to myself,
“ I'm gonna do this on my own, I can fix this”.

Hunter comes to mind the idea of grabbing pillows and trying to wave the smoke away, frantically we grab pillows and wave them as fast as we could. Realizing this was no good and only making matters worse.

“ Hunter what do we do next? Whats gonna happen?” I question.

“ I don't know, why are you asking me?” Hunter replies back.

Soon my dad smells the burning smoke and comes down to check on us and see if everything is okay. Not long after that, the fire alarm started ringing into our ears. As smoke creeps throughout the whole house. My dad grabs the fire extinguisher and manages to get the fire and smoke to calm down. Once all the smoke has dissolved into the air and the fire now black charcoal, we notice that placed under the bed of ashes, was a cutting board burnt to a crisp on the oven floor.

This ended up to be an unexpected catastrophe. I realize that you can’t always do everything on your own. And its okay to be dependent on someone else once in awhile. After trying to get the fire out by myself, I come to a realization that sometimes you just have to accept that not everything in this world will exceed your expectations. Though it may be praised to achieve goals, just know it’s okay to have some help along the way.

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