Facing My Fears | Teen Ink

Facing My Fears

October 17, 2013
By Shea Kieldyk BRONZE, Locort, Illinois
Shea Kieldyk BRONZE, Locort, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone has a fear of something, whether its a fear of heights, spiders, or clowns. For some, it's easy to overcome their fears, but for others it's not. One can either choose overcome their fear, or be afraid of it forever. I was one of those people that chose to overcome my fear of heights when I went on a field trip to Six Flags in 8th grade, but it was not easy.

It all started on a cloudy day in May when everyone started loading up in the lunchroom waiting for the buses to arrive. When they did, we all piled into the bus and then headed off to Six Flags. When we arrived, there were a lot of people lining up by the entrance waiting to get in. But it didn't take that long to get threw the line and into the park. The first thing that I saw when I walked in was all the roller coasters and I started to get a little nervous. I think that I am afraid of roller coasters because I had never tried one at the time, but all of that was about to change.

My friends Michelle, Staci, Amy and I all started to walk towards the first roller coaster that we were going to go on. When we got to it, the line was really long and waiting in it made me feel more and more anxious. As we were almost at the front of the line i began to feel knots in my stomach and a bunch of thoughts began to run through my mind. I had no idea what to do, I did not know if I should ride the roller coaster and overcome my fear of heights or wait to do it another time.

Now I am just moments aways until it is my turn to ride the roller coaster, even though i am already scared enough as it is, I just tried to take my mind off of it. Now it is finally my turn, and as I got onto the roller coaster, I was kind of glad that I was doing it because I was finally going to face my fear.

I am already strapped in and the rollercoaster is starting to move. At that moment I did not feel as nervous as I was before, and I was actually having a good time. When the ride was over, I realized that I had finally overcame my fear of heights and roller coasters and I could not wait to go on the next one. After this experience, I realized that anyone could conquer anything if they just give it a try.

The author's comments:
I chose to wrote about my 8th grade field trip to Six Flags because it relates to facing my fears and that I knew I can do anything and everything if I just give it a try.

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